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Everything posted by immamac

  1. Jonathon Brooks would have fucked Washington. God fuck everything.
  2. My wife’s grandpa Don. Rose bowl champion and All American at Michigan. Family in full maize and blue tonight. I’m sitting here holding back tears mumbling go blue.
  3. How many games you been to there? I’ve been to 15+ and I can tell you this is just all kinds of not correct. I will say when they are playing some little sisters of the poor or losing to Minnesota there it definitely doesn’t feel huge and is extremely underwhelming both noise and general vibe wise. It’s weird when 105k can “feel empty”. When it’s 110k+ and rocking it’s a wild ass fucking stadium though. It was so fucking loud during the crazy monsoon notre dame night game in the wildest weather I don’t even know how to describe it.
  4. I guess I don’t know how bad Washington is. I don’t watch the NFL and what I’m watching Dallas do looks like a pretty good team.
  5. There seems to be an issue here on understanding what the fuck I’m saying. Fuck all these mother fuckers. Do I wish all of them were dead? Would we be better off if they were? Fuck yes. Seriously fuck every last one of these pieces of shit. Do I think the US government should be the ones doing them in? No. That’s it. That’s my stance. some of you are just frothing at the mouth for some conflict or something wtf is wrong with some of you.
  6. Dak is 29/33 my guy
  7. Dallas seems like they might be good.
  8. Just found this thread. You should always go into bios and save settings then go to bone stock before putting in new ram configs nowadays. All kinds of XMP setting etc going on now. You just want normal clock and then set things the way you want in BIOS. Id always start slot 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4 but both should work on dual channel kits. 32GB modules are also buggy as fuck for early revision 7000 series Ryzen so I’d absolutely flash latest firmware before even installing the new RAM. happy to help those that are local as well.
  9. No im not im acting like firing on citizens of the United States is a very very very very bad thing, like the end of America bad. A thing that should never ever happen under virtually any circumstance. Fuck all those people who did that, but it doesn’t mean indiscriminately fire on a crowd of our own citizens as a form of crowd control. There is room for that opinion without telling me I should be embarrassed. Be better than that. The dems aren’t some fucking great country builders sorry that I don’t subscribe to our problems as a country being solely rooted on one party being actually insane. I think electing people who actually want to make the country a better place together instead of only with people that subscribe to their perfect vision of the future are what we need. We need a government actually representative of the people’s needs and that isn’t happening on either side. Everyone is fucking pissed off and the solution isn’t just elect more democrats to hope they are altruistic and actually fix things. Spoiler: they are still a bunch of old out of touch pieces of shit, they just at least still have some level of accountability and aren’t psychotic country destroyers.
  10. Not yet I’d argue, we would undoubtedly be worse off today but probably better in the near future. I desperately want young America to wake up and vote someone in who isn’t a piece of shit at any level of government. Both parties are so fucked up beyond repair, one are unable to govern because they are pussies and the other side is insane nut jobs who want to destroy the country.
  11. Guys get the fuck over it. Nothing can make the 4th down ball caught and Texas isn’t playing on Monday.
  12. I guess where I’m at is if they just mowed these people down we aren’t talking about it like this 3 years later, we are in a significantly different place as a country.
  13. Probably not. I do think Ashli Babbitt was dealt with appropriately, but don’t think anyone else there was doing anything worth shooting them over. It was clear she was going to physically harm or lead a mob to harm members of congress. It stopped everyone in their tracks and turned it back into a bunch of idiots doing idiot things.
  14. Idk what exactly you are reading into here.
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