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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by TexasEd

  1. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

    So, i assume you had drums on the front originally?  Is that a custom replacement of some sort, or are those just off a newer mustang?

    It's a kit made to fit the original drum spindles.  It's based on the discreen brakes available on Fords of that period.  I bought it from CSRP WHO WAS IN Austin a long time but now in Marble Falls. 

  2. 1 hour ago, miguelito said:

    You probably already know, but you need 2 blueberry plants to cross pollinate, acidic soil, and no birds within 10 miles.

    There's nothing like a blueberry straight from the plant, warmed by the sun.

    I agree, they are even better when picked from wild bushes on the Appalachian trail.  Collect a zip loc bag full and drop them in your oatmeal for breakfast.

  3. 28 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Cayenne, banana, tiny Thai, and jalapeño in the dirt today. Sugar snap peas are coming along. 

    The wife wanted to plant a blueberry so I am going to give it a try. It will probably hate our dirt and give up the ghost in July but wth, might as well give it a shot. 

    That's a battle I fight every year with "hey, why don't we plant [insert poorly adapted plant here]?" It drives me nuts that they want high moisture, acidic soil loving plants like azaleas but are never into watering or feeding them.  They just buy them and don't even plant them half the time.  I figure if I'm the one that does all the work I should at least plant what I like or that can live with the type of care I know it will get.

    • Like 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, Robin Masters said:

    Your mom deemed my pensu a deadly weapon after it took repeated plunges to the bottom of her water slide.
    Wait we're still doing the your mom thing here right?



    Is that what hermaphrodites call their junk?


    • Haha 1
  5. I never posted in this thread on the old site because I kinda came to it late.  I did go full Keto back in October 2017 and lot over 15 pounds in the first 4 weeks getting into the "Normal" BMI range for the first time in a few decades.  I've gone less strict since January and have kept it off.

    I need to start doing some strength training but I've been having rotator cuff problems and I'm kinda lazy.  So I need to get motivated.

  6. My peaches have set and look great so far.  No sign of the Plum curculio yet.  I used horticultural oil and BT sprays to try and keep them down.

    Scalped my TIF419 already and have most of the winter weeds under control.  I may have been a little early on the scalping but starting to see some green up.  Just turned the irrigation back on this weekend.

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