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Everything posted by Fart

  1. You clearly don't know shit. Besides BYU even at this point still offers a P5 conference much more than what little Utah brings to the table. Utah had nothing to do with it. The only thing Utah had to do with BYU was riding our coattails from 2001 and Orin Hatch threatening congressional action against the BCS during 2001 when an #8 BYU was 12-0 and told they weren't going to be included in a BCS bowl game despite having the best offense and running back in the country that year.
  2. Don't read this if you're an incel, it might leave you triggered....
  3. Makes me wonder how depressing life must be in Alabama for the women to be this batshit crazy over their teams.
  4. That wasn't my experience with them 3 years ago. They may be super casual for CFB fandom but they didn't seem like a bunch of unenthusiastic blue hairs to me. I think y'all beat USC today.
  5. This would be even better. and since the SEC has no grant of rights agreement, it is doable if you can get LSU and Arky to agree to it. Utah would bring nothing, if very little to the table, so I'd scrap them.
  6. This is an A+ hire by Kansas. I didn't expect them to land a coach of this caliber. Should be able to recruit as well.
  7. I think UCLA takes USC tomorrow, the two teams are trending in different directions. That UCLA team will play more motivated then their cross town rivals. (Also, fuck Stanford and Cal for their anti-religion bigotry in blocking BYU from being added to the Pac 12 )
  8. So that justifies him getting beer thrown on him? That's just crossing the line right there. Any person should have a reasonable expectation of going to a game (or anywhere in public) and not having to worry about having beer thrown on them. That's just human decency.
  9. I went to Quinlan-Ford, class of 1998, but you would have played against my baby brother, class of 2001.
  10. So you went to Forney High School and played with Caleb Haney? You would have been in my district, then. Chris Meager, is that you? or are you that hispanic dude that went to a certain university out west of Colorado? Asking for a friend....
  11. I completely didn't think of that. BYU, San Diego State, UCF and Cincinnati would be a solid addition.
  12. Because that "cult" would boost the strength and value of the conference. It would become the 3rd biggest brand and help increase the national appeal of this conference, while doing so in a northern division that would provide balance to a very competitive south division.
  13. How do I upload a gif as my avatar? Seems to be more complex than simply adding a jpeg
  14. I would add BYU and UCF and call it a day but if you add 4 teams, say; Cincinnati and Boise State/Colorado/UNM, I think given a few years, recruiting would pick up tremendously and you'll see a renaissance at those programs (making them more valuable and competitive) at least with BYU, CSU and Cincinnati. This could help strengthen a northern division while making the south division one of the most competitive in the country and give this conference much more national appeal with its fan and alumni bases stretching from coast-to-coast.
  15. Better jump on them quick and get a good lead during the first half. Take advantage of his absence.
  16. I'd like to see Campbell at Michigan State.
  17. I wouldn't mind attracting some of those flies right now. Especially if they were name Molly or McGrath.
  18. I can clear out a ballroom with my SBD's. In a car, I can make your eyes water.
  19. I'm always gassy, so naturally, I fart all the time.
  20. Got pulled over last night because the sheriff deputy thought I was driving drunk. He has me get out of the car and asks: "Sir, can you walk a straight line for me?" I replied: "No, but I can snort one!"
  21. Starting to sound like SEC fans. Murfreesboro, TN and Blue Raiders.
  22. Because your google home speaker overheard you're escort say "lucky sucky two dolla?"
  23. This is starting to turn out like the South Park Kanye West gay fish episode. 'Do you like fish dicks?"
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