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Everything posted by VirginiaLonghorn

  1. God damn … this beautiful … just beautiful.
  2. Remind us again what was wrong with Rising and Jackson?
  3. Reminds one of another big INT against SC … in the Rose Bowl.
  4. I hope that mofo goes to an AFC team … although the CFL is preferable.
  5. CDC should write a letter to the AD of every non-Big 12 “football school” to see if they’d like to schedule a 2-year home and home series with the intent of replacing our conference games. Great football and gives the lawyers some worthwhile work to fend off the Big 12 leeches.
  6. Good camouflage for your Cheetos stained fingers …
  7. The basic qualification to be Jimbo’s “OC” …
  8. Running his trot line one last time to see which is the largest catfish hooked?
  9. I’m also thankful the Creighton coach didn’t turn Nembhard loose to freelance sooner. That guy can play.
  10. I’m just relieved Scheierman didn’t match his .442 3-point shooting percentage tonight. His late minute barrage was much closer to norm than his dreadful first half. Still … a hard earned, well deserved team win that overcame some tough matchups.
  11. I always wet brine poultry and pork (all but the shoulder) because it hopefully adds a little moisture that is otherwise missing or lost during the longer cook. Used to inject but found it a messy and inconsistent application.
  12. Thnx for the info! I’ve done turkey, turkey breast, drumsticks, wings .. roasted, fried, smoked, scraped off the road. No guarantees of success with that critter. But, thermometers give you a better than average chance. Agree “low and slow” is a non-starter. My T-day (first time trying skinless) breast cooked at 270F to internal 130F, then double wrapped with butter in foil and finished to 165F. Juicy, OK taste, but not the dark color I wanted (like yours). So, next time I’ll try a little higher cook temp and the Stubbs tip to trap the juice while the temp comes down. FWIW, I usually smoke turkey the day before, slice it warm, and vacuum bag it for refrigerator or freezer. Great cold or reheated in the vacuum bag in water.
  13. Japan was quick as hell. Wonder if a couple of them can catch a football?
  14. Smoked turkey breast is so good and it looks like you nailed it. A question, if I may … Cook temp? Thnx!
  15. KSA-Mexico … Not sure the ref was wise to use the “throat slash” gesture in that venue to warn a mouthy player to zip it …
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