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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31468341/ If I had every frickin patient asking me to provide sources for my recommendations with each encounter then I would never get anything done. You must be a lot of fun in the doctor's office.
  2. Y’all realize you can wear a mask and reduce your obesity and both things can reduce morbidity and mortality?
  3. We would probably halve the number of Covid deaths. On second thought we would probably reduce all our deaths prior to 70 yo.
  4. That was a joke from the Covid thread. Rapidly fatal illnesses like Ebola tend to burn themselves out because they killl the host too fast.
  5. These type of outbreaks are usually over in two weeks.
  6. Not inside. Outside, yes. There’s no magic on/off. It’s all relative to viral load, time, distance, barrier used and air circulation.
  7. This little statement tells you most of what you need to know along with a non medical, non core science professor performing the study. Yes, the same professor that published a study that having gay parents makes you more likely to be gay. Don’t fall into the trap of finding questionable research to support a preconceived notion. It’s a classic anti vaxxer, flat earther logical fallacy mistake.
  8. The one where people use some common frickin' sense and start wearing masks, social distancing, using hand sanitizer/washing and staying in your damn house by yourself when your sick or have been close contact exposed.
  9. Unfortunately, although you are correct, the time to diagnosis and reporting of results is really variable across the whole state. We are not seeing infection rates in real time. Some labs are taking as long as 4 to 7 days to report results from time of swab collection. Of course, with rapid antigen testing ramping up we are seeing results much more quickly. I don’t know that the state is handling all the variables well. But it is logical to assume that some of what we are seeing is from election activities. Covid doesn’t magically disappear when a certain party is elected and people spill into the streets to celebrate, masked or not.
  10. Surly Austinites on the run-off election: Surly members living outside Austin:
  11. Correct. There's still transmission when there is close contact even with 100% mask use unless everyone is in full PPE. Take the mask off to drink or wear it like a chin diaper while in a crowd and you've increased the risk exponentially. Anyway, it's really disingenuous to take a handpicked picture of a small section of a crowd and claim everyone is masking up. Just like Halloween and Labor Day, the celebrations in the street are going to spread Covid. All it takes is one person from the crowd to catch it then seed it back into their house or workplace. I see it every GD day. I don't give a crap who just won the presidency. It does not in anyway justify irresponsible large group gatherings especially when we have managed to catch just about the whole country back on Covid fire.
  12. I cannot eecall in the history of our republic has either side shown the wherewithal to actually make mental health and addiction medicine a sustained priority. I will not be surprised if our elected officials manage to screw this up.
  13. Guidance doesn’t say it’s okay to gather in the hundreds shoulder to shoulder because you have a “shit ton” of masks. It’s still a large risk. Better than an indoor maskless rally bit let’s not start lauding them for their “wise” choices.
  14. Local news in my area stated a third of new state cases from El Paso area.
  15. You realize this statement could be broadly applied at all levels of our government?
  16. Don't have access to my paystub but I do have this.....
  17. Sounds like there is something seriously wrong with his immune system. Three infections then pneumonia on the third is in infectious disease bizzaro land. There is a possibility that the second infection was another viral illness while he still had remnants of Covid in his system. Just conjecture. Not seeing the heart issues as frequently as feared. The data from college football players shows almost no significant numbers of people coming down with myocardial damage. If kids get myocarditis from Covid, then it is likely from the inflammatory condition Covid can cause that is similar to Kawasaki's disease. It's still pretty rare to get lasting myocardial damage as well. We are seeing a surprising amount of fatigue and "shortness of breath" that doesn't show abnormalities on pulmonary or cardiac testing.
  18. What was the circumstance on the first two? How close together? I have had several people tell me they had two infections 4 or so weeks apart when in reality they were still harboring genetic material from the first infection. They may have "negative" test inbetween due to variables in sampling technique and the relative low volume of viral genetic material on mucosal surfaces.
  19. This is a legit food bank. They do a lot of good work and combine forces with local faith based groups as well. I'm in. This food distribution was a big deal months ago in Central Texas and helped out a lot of struggling families at the time. And this was one of the shortest Brisket post ever.
  20. Yes, this is what I’m noticing in clinic about the spread. This wonderful cultural aspect of gathering extended family in the Hispanic community is unfortunately a primer for Covid spread.
  21. For the most part if they can determine county of residence. Hospital numbers do not take county into account unless the county breaks that out in local reporting. Sounds like El Paso was primed by unhealthy people and their friends and relatives behaving badly.
  22. Already are. They’re trying to bring them into Central Texas too. And that is also part of the problem. And it’s difficult to extrapolate our US figures and say we are going to do worse as a whole due to this surge. Many of the hotspots weren’t hit originally. See our midwest states and southern Italy for example. The rest of Texas isn’t looking like El Paso yet. There maybe some herd immunity effect in our other large cities that were hit hard over the summer. The only decent play I can see is to hold out with common sense measures until a vaccine is available and effective. And that’s if you don’t tank your economy and society in the meantime.
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