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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. Newdoc

    Getting old sucks

    User name checks out. Glad everything went well.
  2. No, it’s not “healthy”. smh
  3. Dear Olds, “Die of Covid or whatever you old MF’ers.” Sincerely, Norway.
  4. It was spring into summer then plummeted into the fall. The recent spike may have bumped it back up. We don’t have good aggregate data from the holidays and first part of January.
  5. Death rates for hospitalization well under 10% at this point.
  6. Just got done with Copper Mountain. Same observation and sentiment. 10k feet and views of the Rockies were a great break from this Covid mess. But the resorts will have to start closing trails soon if they don’t get some significant snow in the next few days. It was ice and crunchy when it wasn’t dirty or grass popping through.
  7. So much fun half of them forgot there’s a defensive part of the game.
  8. When we realized brain damage was no bueno. You usually have to separately rent a helmet. They’re not cheap to rent vs their upfront cost, so if you are skiing more than once you may want to purchase on sale. Either way it’s a lot cheaper than a nursing home with Nurse Betty wiping your crap smeared ass because you can’t move your limbs or have enough cognition to realize you pooped yourself.
  9. Found a more detailed Q/A. Looks like recovery has to be within 3 months with dated positive test as well. And true to dumbass form and hand ringing, vaccination status doesn’t matter.
  10. It mentions “recovered” from Covid proof as well, which without a timeline is weird and there is nothing about vaccination status. True to form, our government apparently doesn’t think of the details and just throws crap against the wall hoping some of it sticks.
  11. Trauma region M says “Welcome to the party.” We haven’t been giving a crap for the last several weeks. And thusly, hospitalization rate running over 30% for several days.
  12. Exactly. Set this up at a single Chick-Fil-A and they could knock out 1500 in the lunch hour.
  13. Yes, they have been in the interwebs and FB and now have just enough knowledge to be stupid. I have a few in my own clinic and of course some of them came down with Covid in the last week.
  14. My third hand but reliable source at TDH says we aren’t looking really hard for it. See no evil, hear no evil, more people on the vent kind of thing.
  15. Ironically I will be driving to Colorado to the snow the day before it snows here. Go figure.
  16. This thread has gone exactly as expected. Y’all get points for consistency.
  17. The state has FUBAR’d this roll out. I’m beginning to think that if we were invaded by Cubans and Russians or the Chinese then we really would need to have a band of rag tag teenagers from a small town win a war on our soil left with little but their parents’ hunting rifles and ingenious booby traps for enemy tanks and armored vehicles.
  18. Life. It is full of so much love and so much grief. Hoping for strength for you and your family and compassion from others.
  19. How I imagine OP typing that tl;dr post.
  20. They only put the microchip in the first dose otherwise they are the same.
  21. We’ve been seeing a large chunk of the olds with Covid in Cen Tex since a few days post Christmas due to family get togethers and surprise, Junior’s allergy symptoms on Christmas Eve was Covid. Hopefully the olds stayed home for NYE.
  22. I'm sure the public will make it a cluster but glad to see a city health department getting it together. There was a major coordination gap between federal, state and local efforts to roll out this vaccine. And we had months to plan. SMH.
  23. Doctors can be a weird bunch and they are not immune to anxiety and psychosomatic issues. This story smells fishy. Dizziness and tachycardia can occur as anaphylactic reaction symptoms but they’re usually not isolated. We usually see the hives, pale skin and nausea too. This doctor could just as easily had a vagal reaction coupled with some panic reaction.
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