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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. Ahh yes, the second half when you see where coaching adjustments count.
  2. The no’s also come from a wide swath of ethnicities. There are people who are rightfully nervous about what the government wants them to do. In this case, that anxiety is unfounded but still a big barrier. And then socioeconomics and education also creates barriers to vaccination. https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210202/black-vaccine-hesitancy-rooted-in-mistrust-doubts
  3. Unless you have a poor underlying immune system or are on significant immunosuppressants then most people will be okay and mount a good response. Olds will fare a little poorer bc their immune system is not optimal. They do say not to drink after vaccine for a few days but this has mainly due to side effects not efficacy. YMMV.
  4. Either one is okay. It won’t mess up response to vaccine.
  5. The parole board has some culpability in this as well. What the hell were they thinking? They should be removed from anything that has to do with the justice system.
  6. This team is a beating to watch. Especially when there is some good talent individually. Why did I turn this on? Going to go dig lint out of my toenails.
  7. I stopped listening to Fauci months ago and someone needs to stick a sock in Osterholm's mouth. Osterholm is the same guy who predicted Ebola was going to go airborne and got printed for it. He makes for good doomsday fodder and rests on his past accomplishments and title. He brings press and likely research money but he needs to shut up at this point. There are so many good scientist and public health people that need to be out in front of people more than the fodder the past and current administration are putting out there. It takes some digging but you can find some well qualified people out there saying reasonable things with good data.
  8. Did they hire a batting coach straight out of T-Ball? You'd have better performance if you took these players straight out of high school/select ball and didn't touch their batting technique and plate approach coming into college. Someone is actively coaching hitting out of them.
  9. It’s a lazy answer. It’s a CYA answer. Hopefully they don’t approach the rest of their practice that way.
  10. You could be on an episode of Chopped.
  11. We would also have a lot less complications and death if we didn’t have one of the highest obesity rates in the world. But the government doesn’t give a rat’s ass about that either.
  12. Sounds like you understand it perfectly. Now it's up to the public to demand this is remedied in a reasonable way.
  13. From your description, You’ve got some time to keep in sling and seek care this weekend as long as you have nerve and circulation intact into the hand. If there is a break you can spare a few days if no break in skin from bone and no major nerve or circulation damage.
  14. If your hose bibs are frozen, should you even bother to thaw out unless you are going to actually run them until weather improves? Seriously, IDK. Seems like what's done is done if they're frozen and now you just have to keep pressure off your system.
  15. That's because my pool is now a balmy 75. You are welcome! 😉
  16. Trying to heat the pool up to 75 so I can swim this afternoon. Sorry for partying.
  17. Which one of y'all can build one of these? We may need it.
  18. Mine was illing but it turned without breaking off. Praise Baby Jesus. Hopefully no yard geysers for you.
  19. Like I said, he’s a comedian. I don’t find his humor funny. It was a tongue in cheek smart ass high school remark.
  20. Comedian and cardiologist with laudy credentials. Maybe he has a good grasp on Covid but I seriously doubt it. He has a platform and gets to shoot his mouth off and get a few retweets. First problem is he creates a false equivalency. Vaccine and autism is so incredibly debunked only the most fervent adherents still bunker up and hold to the "truth". Flat earther type stuff. Just using it in the tweet is taking supplement supporters into the same radical category. Is there a lot of crossover in those belief groups? Probably. But a "scientist" shouldn't use this falacial logic. The second problem is labels and groups. Use of the word "truthers" conjures up Obama birth conspiracy and QAnon comparisons. He has now grouped supplement supporters with anti-vaxxers and far right conspiracy adherents. He gives himself some wiggle room by using the "people who think .... solve all ills". He doesn't back himself completely into the corner with that statement. The problem with his statement is that research does suggest Vitamin D levels and supplementation may play a significant role in Covid morbidity and mortality. The correlation is consistent. And there are studies to suggest supplementation can mitigate (not cure) Covid severe disease. It's not completely settled but consensus is moving that direction. There are multiple papers that support these findings. Unfortunately, Vitamin D appears to be needed prior to infection. High doses when you start feeling sick are likely not going to help. This also appears to be supported in research. I could link up a couple of dozen of articles from good journals on this topic. And as any critical thinking physician will tell you, there will be a myriad of things we can do to prevent or treat Covid. Supplementation is a tricky subject and overwhelmingly does not show to create massive health benefits. I was a strong supporter of supplemental Vitamin D years ago for some osteoporosis work I do but good data has shown it is largely ineffective in 95% of cases. I have backed off my strong support accordingly. I pretty much shrug my shoulders when patients ask about multi-vitamins for their families. It is hard to be vitamin and mineral deficient in our country if you any sort of fortified or natural foods. And studies that show us that Zinc and Vitamin C don't do much if anything for Covid. You post pretty good stuff but IMO, Dr. Francis' tweet was unbecoming of a physician. He could have gotten his point across without going Bill Maher.
  21. Couple pieces of cardboard. Nothing else on the outside walls is insulated besides the thick stone base so insulated barrier won’t make a difference. Trying to avoid cold air from blowing through the space. 102 year old house so insulated only where remodeled which is above the pier and beam, not under. Power bill is going to suck big time if the power happens to stay on.
  22. Guilty. Some are insulated. Vents are blocked off now and my hvac vents under house leak a little to unintentionally condition the short crawl space but faucets will be running starting Sunday. I know I’m good down to about 15-20 degrees without running the water.
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