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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Hey, I stole from his store without consequences. Wanna go hit it up again? You ever seen the movie magnificent 7? It was just grain.
  2. Your wiener is named Woody? Awesome.
  3. I don't know what bank you're stealing from, but watch out for those explosive ink bombs.
  4. Last year my fiance's grandfather's family from Minnesota came over. They get super drunk and the conversation gets brought up that it's no okay to say oriental anymore. It all goes downhill with n bombs and asking if I'm a "Mexicano?" Over and over.
  5. I mean if the people are okay with the crime, they just expect stuff to be stolen why do anything about it? Also yes, look at the idiot.
  6. I mean they're not alive, but they do reproduce. It's a quandary.
  7. That's why I put in the nice handy picture for easy use to show that assault rifles aren't actually being used by us civilians.
  8. I mean I was talking to @staboner who lives there.
  9. I mean you would be okay with stop and frisk since it's for public safety.
  10. Soft borders like the states would be fine with me. Enough border that there is a distinction, but freedom of movement is good.
  11. I mean closing down your country for 5 months seems pretty fascistic. I've learned hard borders seem like a bad idea.
  12. My lever action makes me a larper. Tacticool is what you're thinking.
  13. Just make sure everyone knows what an assault rifle means.
  14. https://www.lingq.com/en/learn-english-online/courses/689816/why-doctor-who-discovered-hand-washin-5071636/ The Infographics Show, Why Doctor Who Discovered Hand Washing Ended Up In A Mental Institution It's mid-1800s... This literally kept us back for 100 years.
  15. Oh, yeah. Fascism is not good. We can agree that if they weren't here the world would be better.
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