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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Another good source on how BC isn't going to ruin the environment.
  2. Definitely not wrong, but people are willing to do so. There's a reason we have roof Koreans as nomenclature. Kinda reminds me of this as well. https://www.sfchronicle.com/local-politics/article/Out-of-control-Organized-crime-drives-S-F-16175755.php That hurts everyone, and that's just theft. I don't mean to make it as you condone it, I just understand why when no one else is protecting your town, you would feel like you have to.
  3. https://twitter.com/MrDapperton/status/1460902094961971202?s=20 weird, wouldn't process.
  4. I'll have to say this seems privileged. Insurance don't cover riots, unless homeowners does? Hell the testimony of Rosenbaum's gf said that he couldn't get his pills because the pharmacy was boarded up because of the riots. This wouldn't have happened if property wasn't being destroyed.
  5. More than that. Didn't you felt sore and tired after listening to prosecution?
  6. Is this the same person who doesn't like personal bank accounts?
  7. PInche gringo puñetero, creas guero?
  8. Our sewing circle don't really care about you at the end of the day. We have other people that we actually care about to keep up with. Hell, you said it yourself, my asking for money is for my loved one in the end.
  9. Fun fact, women are actually more likely to change their accent to their surroundings, while men not so much. (Unfortunately, I couldn't find where I found it with a cursory search.)
  10. https://www.syracuse.com/politics/2021/11/vermont-democratic-sen-patrick-leahy-81-retiring-after-8-terms.html
  11. Lol, she wants to bring all the boys to the yard. Hmmm no negs, but a lot of projecting.
  12. Talked to a guy from Atlanta with a thick accent who moved here two months ago tell me he was surprised how judgemental people were here. He said that he moved here for a reason but they were judgmental because of his accent. I told my experience here as someone with an accent and told him to get vitamin d. I'm going to figure that we didn't agree politically, but I wanted to make sure that he knew some stuff that he most likely didn't know what he was in for being from Georgia and all.
  13. I mean Doc Holiday would have been a lot cooler if he just killed people with his bare hands.
  14. The prosecutor really said that he should have just taken the beating? Fuck off
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