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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. I’ve tried to hold on to hope. Hope that this country would snap out of whatever the fuck is going on. That hope is gone. It’s over. There’s no way we come back from this when 40% of the population is hell bent on tearing it down. How do you fight the conspiracy theories and propaganda? It was a pretty good run we had. We all know that empires decline and collapse, you just hope it doesn’t happen while you’re alive in it
  2. I have a boomer patient that was lamenting that there’s just no patriotism anymore. He also said he would probably vote for trump. To keep my professionalism, I didn’t say much back. But if he mentions it again when I see him this week, I’ll let him know my patriotism is basically dead. I have nothing to celebrate this 4th
  3. The die has been cast already. It’s inevitable. We’re finished
  4. Biden should make an official speech that his job is to protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and declare trump one and have him arrested. If civil war is inevitable, and it sure feels like it right now, then fuck it, let’s go
  5. This country is a joke. It’s finished
  6. Congress could fix the chevron mess right? Pass a law about deferring to federal agencies yadda yadda yadda?
  7. I think Whitmer could win with holding the blue wall. IF this were to go down Kamala could cause major issues and I totally get it. But she would have fall in line and support Whitmer. Hell keep her on as veep
  8. Christ, yes, we fucking know, Biden has to make the decision. How many more times are you going to tell us that?
  9. I think that scenario would truly lead to civil war. California would secede. I’m afraid everything is already set in motion. I don’t have much hope anymore
  10. Oh I fully expect it to go trumps way because that’s just how it’s going to be. We’re fucked
  11. Replacing him can not be worse that what we saw tonight and him losing. It just cant. Democrats need to be bold (lol) and shake things up. Biden needs to step down from the candidacy tomorrow
  12. No man, no. It’s bad. I wish it weren’t so but it’s sad to see. The SOTU Biden declined to what we see tonight and it’s shocking
  13. Who can legitimately step in and run in his place? Biden’s got to go. Enough with this Pollyanna shit that everyone will eventually rally around Biden.
  14. I want him to run in ‘28. That is if we still have a country then
  15. Can these fucking christians just leave the rest of us alone? You want to teach your kids about your sky daddy and your particular mythology? Go for it. Leave. Us. The. Fuck. Alone
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