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  1. 10 wins in '24 looks doable if you break down UT's schedule & compare which team will have the better roster in each game. UGA might be the only team on the '24 schedule who has as good roster or better than UT.
  2. On the 21-minute roundtable video that Horns247 put out several hours ago, Chip Brown claims that Dom McKinley was interested in UT after he decommited from Aggy. But Bo Davis told Sark to pass on McKinley becuz he didn't like McKinley's motor.
  3. Sounds like a taller TyeAnthony Smith based on how Dave Campbell's guys describe him.
  4. I don't think Kieran writes for any media outlet. He's just a well known personality on UT Twitter & has a YouTube channel/podcast. The OB shows sometimes has him on as a guest, legitimizing him.
  5. TyAnthony was always considered an athletic high-upside/ceiling prospect that needed to redshirt & be developed. So it shouldn't be a suprise.
  6. I'm currently listening to Scipio Tex & Longhorn Scott on the most recent 3-part episodes of the "Everybody Gets a Trophy" podcast and they seem to agree that UW is a playaction passing team & NOT a profolic dropback passing team (i.e. 2019 LSU) that everyone assumes.
  7. A couple tweets from the BON article:
  8. Both the analytics duo of College Football Nerds has UT beating UW by double digits (Keep in my mind they accurately predicted that OU would beat UT close in the RRS when most fans & media assumed that UT would beat OU comfortablely): 1 interesting they talked about in this video is that they feel UW's running game actually drives their offense which plays into UT's strength.
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