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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. He attempted to lock down his own servers instead of, you know... paying people with relevant expertise to do it because he is a world beating he-man who is smarter than everyone about everything and his shit got hacked.
  2. Wow Stanco is about as good at pwning the libs as he is at securing his IT infrastructure.
  3. @grubes is 100% correct about Imagine Dragons and Grateful Dead. Nice to hear you on the air Shoopy! Also, today is the first time in a long time that there will be something worth listening to on at 4.
  4. Corby's kids will probably carry on the tradition of not being able to get into either one of them, going to TCU or UNT and being little bandwagon OU fuckfaces.
  5. Dammit, Mooch... This was from a satire piece in the New Yorker, not a real quote.
  6. I've only had their IPAs. I will check the heftier stuff out.
  7. I have zero problem with people gambling on their electric bill on Griddy until they get one cent in public assistance for those $4000 bills this month.
  8. Shit man UT football has had a Charlie Strong and a Tom Herman in the last decade.
  9. Next up we will debate ERCOT preparation for simultaneous earthquake, flood, and monster attack.
  10. Odd Muse Rational Behavior. DDH Double IPA with citra, mosaic, and comet. I dig it. If you’re in Dallas and haven’t checked this place out yet you should. Right up there with Turning Point and Celestial.
  11. This. You have Dan and Jake yukking it up about their situations and Junior is acting like ERCOT had meetings to figure out how to fuck him over.
  12. lol @ Dr. Rex and his horseshit tough guy act coming off the top rope in here when he was in the carnage thread over on DT asking people about how plumbing worked when he couldn't figure shit out. Go fuck yourself.
  13. Here's some hate speech, Notre Dame Joe: Catholics are a bunch of piece of shit child molester enablers.
  14. Hey @Elvis if you want to roll through here and neg year old posts why don't you pop in and tell us why Rush was a swell guy who is worth defending?
  15. Don't ask me. It wasn't my idea. It was just something I read. It does seem weird to me to have a president that doesn't shittalk a state that he didn't win on Twitter during a natural disaster though.
  16. I wonder how many of these He-Man Texit Self-reliant Anti-Socialist badasses will be getting their beaks wet in the FEMA funds that are apparently going to be made available to deal with busted pipes and other property damage that insurance winds up not covering.
  17. Those kids have already been born so the state of Texas is done caring about their well-being but if any of them die it is definitely AOC's fault.
  18. Well now you've definitely lost any moral high ground from which to declare that the GOP is made up of horrible people, you monster.
  19. Me, who has looked at Twitter today:
  20. Goddamn. Sad Sack Eeyore Brisket, who I suppose has moved onto "WOE IS ME TEXAS IS A FAILED STATE" now that "WOE IS ME TRUMP WILL WIN" and "WOE IS ME BIDEN WON'T GET INAUGURATED" both failed to hold water, having a slapfight with dumbfuck Donkey guy is the message board equivalent of being waterboarded and I chose to read it in its entirety so fuck me too I guess. Jiminy Christmas, y'all are a beating.
  21. This week has proven that Hang Zone is the best show on The Ticket right now.
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