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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. God forbid we'd spend that money on funding higher education.
  2. If you do that you don't get to blame everything on Fauci and absolve Trump of any responsibility.
  3. Quit engaging with GRHorn and TahoeDonkey and his "Aw, shucks!" horseshit you fucking morons. Neither one of them has the slightest bit of interest in being intellectually honest.
  4. High-Rise. Did you see Mother! and think the allegory wasn't laid on thick enough? If so, this movie was made for you! Stupid and pointless.
  5. Still waiting for "Down, Set, Tally Ho!" to show up on the NFL Network.
  6. Like someone else has said on here at some point, stuff like this just makes it obvious that the police view anyone who isn't them as an occupying force and if they have to kill every one of us to "win" they will. Fuck 'em all.
  7. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps you mooching little cunt
  8. It's crazy how horny the Republicans are for going to the border.
  9. Pretty sure that in a Rob Zombie Munsters movie Marylin is a honeytrap to lure unsuspecting teenage boys back to the Muster house to be tortured by the rest of the family.
  10. This is surly. You could probably dig that out of the average poster's couch cushions.
  11. Throw this on the pile of shit that will result in nothing.
  13. Pretty sure I've posted before about wanting this properly investigated. Origins. Global response. US response. All of it. Lay it open. I just think it's mildly amusing that we have a bunch of amateur microbiologist/epidemiologists on here all of a sudden.
  14. Fuck Kirk. Serves him right for that "cesspool" comment he made to play to the crowd when Gameday was in college station. He can eat my ass with his no tasting tongue.
  15. "LOTS OF PEOPLE IN TEXAS SUPPORT TRUMP BUT I DID IT THE FIRSTEST AND THE MOSTEST!" What a pathetic little pillowbiting fuckbitch.
  16. Which conservative talk show discussed gain of function in the last week? The DT types are reeeeeeeeeeeeal horny about that all of a sudden
  17. Have there been a ton of people on here pushing back against an investigation and I just haven't seen it or something?
  18. I know that. I am just throwing out the hypothetical since, per conservatives, people are entitled to employment wherever they want even if they've said things that the employer in question finds objectionable.
  19. So if this guy applies for a job with a law firm owned by Federalist Society members and they don't hire him are we supposed to start screaming "CANCEL CULTURE CANCEL CULTURE!"?
  20. Oh no. I don't get that channel so I can't watch him reach so far for strained pop culture references that he tears his rotator cuff.
  21. Haberman: "Hey everybody I have a book on Trump coming out so let's not forget about him, OK!!!??"
  22. Thoroughly adequate scripted entertainment.
  23. Good grief can you tipfags take it to the Food and Beverage board?
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