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Not a Sock

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Everything posted by Not a Sock

  1. I always gave my girl shit for following celebrity gossip, but here I am watching an oompa loompa and a senile old bat fight on face book over 16 year old football players. I think I owe her an apology.
  2. Also Aggy trying to money whip their way is really starting to piss off a lot of people. LSU, ND, FSU all had to deal with A&M this past season and they all came away with a new program to despise and the SEC in general is starting to get annoyed by their new "brother". I really hope A&M tries to send out bagmen because I don't doubt for a second that the old guard won't burn them.
  3. Hey! Malik why go to the school where Vince Young actually played and won a National Title when you can to The Station and have a lit time with the 50 year old man who recuited Young 15 years ago.
  4. Jesus. In the 8 years Fisher was at FSU he went 4-4 vs Clemson and Dabo and three of those four years he had a Heisman Quarterback, and aggy thinks that Jimbo is just going to walk into A&M and turn around and beat Clemson with a quarter of the talent he had at FSU? The more I learn about Jimbo and his time at FSU the more I am convinced he is just a shittier version of Mack Brown.
  5. Year 8? If Jimbo hasn't won the West by year 4 they will put him on the hot seat, but unlike sumlin who is pretty mellow and took their abuse jimbo won't. He will lash out a someone and A&M will try and fire him for cause to get around his absurd contract. He'll burn down the program on the way out and the media will have a field day with it.
  6. Totally forgot about that guy. He was only committed for like a week, but those sooner tears were so sweet.
  7. Four? Watkins, Moore, and the crazy juco TE, who else did we lose?
  8. The only victims here Geoff are the local buffets.
  9. Can't leave out his amazing social media team, they are one of if not the best in all of CFB.
  10. I sure hope so. But Texas football has kicked me in the dick a few to many times already.
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