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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. Heard a story on one of the sports ray-dee-oh shows this morning. Koepka was at the Masters as a 9 or 10 year old kid and somehow got access to the player's parking lot. He says everyone agreed to give him an autograph except Phil. Koepka brought it up to Phil at some point (maybe at the Ryder Cup -- can't recall) and told Phil he had stiffed him. Mickelson said "well, you shouldn't been in the parking lot anyway."
  2. Parker saved our ass today.
  3. Yeah, it was more of a comment about how crummy the Rangers are/looked than how the Astros looked.
  4. Glad to have the sweep but the Rangers are not a very good beisbol team.
  5. Agree on ER. Stumbled into an Elmer T Lee at Total Wine. Tasty. Mighty tasty.
  6. I'm going to have to agree with this take. Regardless of the cause, the loss of this young man is tragic and heartbreaking. I have heard ZERO about the cause and it really isn't any of my business. If, once known, addressing the cause can help others, and prevent even one other death from the same cause, then address it and learn from it. RIP Jake.
  7. Reposting this even though I did it a few pages back. While we should celebrate Wanker's banishment, we need to get back to these thoughts.
  8. Hard to say it any better than this . . . . .
  9. Just unbelievably tragic. RIP Jake.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/01/entertainment/olympia-dukakis-death/index.html She was awesome in Moonstruck.
  11. He did. He also flashed the Hook Em right into the camera as he walked off the green after the win.
  12. https://bestclassicbands.com/delbert-mcclinton-retirement-4-25-21/ Saw him in Austin many times and at Rockefeller's in Houston a few as well. He was at Rockefeller's in the mid 80's and the show was sold out. I told the door guy who was checking tickets that I'd stand in the bathroom the whole time if he'd just let me in the place. Did not happen. It's been a great ride Delbert.
  13. I'll prob take you up on this. I'll be buying two custom fit sets. One for me and one (well deserved and well earned) gift for our male offspring. Hopefully, I can "work a deal."
  14. smwhorn

    Steely Dan

    Great musicians. Although I have tried and tried (really, I have), I just can't get into Donald Fagan's voice. Don't know why and I suppose I'm in the minority as most people seem to like their music. Mr. Fagan would prob say the same thing about my voice so no hard feelings Donald.
  15. Looking for recs on best place in Houston for custom fit clubs. Any places to check or avoid would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. Excellent. Thanks for the redirect. Didn’t mean to waste a new thread . . .
  17. How? Not arguing the point. Just not familiar with the situation.
  18. That, um ...... lady (?) won a lot of damn games for the rape enablers.
  19. Please learn me the best place to pay good hard earned money for new ones. I’m long overdue. Quality/Service/Price etc. A bit surprised there’s no thread on this but I did search. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  20. I was in Austin for a couple days working before Covid and posted about being able to squeeze in Matt's and Threadgill's in the short time I was there. I got roasted by Surly for being an old guy and not trying new places.
  21. Don't understand any dislike for Rose.
  22. Dude. Don't be judging old dudes who struggle to shoot 86.
  23. This. I know the dude works out hard and stays in great shape but with the way he winds up and goes after it, I don't see how he doesn't injure himself.
  24. I'm sure it's been said before on one of the Masters threads, but download the app. It's awesome.
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