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Junior Bonner

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Junior Bonner

  1. As a resident of the fine State of Alabamistan I fear I must concede this point…
  2. Whoa, now. The antichrist would be very offended by that comparison...
  3. Pretty sure CTJ shot that down. Or so I choose to believe….
  4. This Rick Barnes guy has a good thing going in Tennessee. Maybe we should look at him for next year. He seems so familiar…
  5. I’m clearly so invested in him that I don’t know how to spell his fucking name.
  6. If we don’t get this Robertson guy I never heard of until recently I’m going to be very disappointed….
  7. Fuck. I spent entirely too much time trying to figure out what coach/recruiter was nicknamed Nil.
  8. Nothing like the T-16 Skyhopper I flew back home on Tatooine…
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