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Junior Bonner

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Junior Bonner

  1. I’ve always liked Byron. And Elroy. But maybe something tough-sounding, like Otto or Spike or Butch.
  2. I'm sorry but as a Surly American I demand instant gratification. Fuck May.
  3. Which is why He is often referred to as Jesus Fucking Christ…
  4. IIRC, when Sark was hired there was a good deal of Flood wishcasting on the board. And great rejoicing when it came true.
  5. I truly am curious who the imbecile is. I mean, on the team. I’m pretty sure I know who it is on this thread…
  6. So, CTJ, you think we’ll spin down Muhammad to linebacker? Or move Brooks to offense? That’s what I’m hearing…
  7. Those ARE different people on those four pictures, ya mow-ron!
  8. I’m trying to think of a way they can both lose. That’d be best…
  9. And this is why I’m a follower and believer of our dear Lord Jesus. Amen.
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