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Junior Bonner

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Junior Bonner

  1. We're missing something... Brock the Fuckermeyers and Fuck the Brockermeyers!
  2. Have we fucked the Brocks yet this page? No? Fuck the Brocks. Junior Bonner
  3. Vince Young was raised by a woman.Three of them, actually.
  4. Aha! The avatar gives it away. Casual Encounter is a CTJ sock! What do I win?
  5. @hornfromdallas Is this the offensive commitment you told us about? Thanks, btw.
  6. Cents off or bogo? Because bogo is a seriously good deal....
  7. Damn. I take back some, but not nearly all, the shitty things I said about him...
  8. Only on surly can we go from touting a potential stellar DB haul to reminiscing about past recruiting failures in seconds. This is not a complaint. I'm truly in awe. It takes expert-level surliness to achieve such goals...
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