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Junior Bonner

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Junior Bonner

  1. Another week of this and I'm fucking dead. TH should've been fired after Iowa State. JMHO.
  2. This is beautiful. I had to read it out loud to my GF. Thank you sir.
  3. https://247sports.com/Player/Remington-Strickland-46055899/
  4. Wait. So the Brocks are black? Who knew?
  5. He won't start this week and situation is fluid. Training staff has been going the extra mile to get him ready. $9.95 please. This where I'd like to shoot -the-bird react in a friendly way. Too bad it's a neg rep...
  6. Schooler will start against Tech, not Money, says FCB. https://www.burntorangenation.com/2020/9/24/21455354/jake-smith-hamstring-injury-out-texas-longhorns-texas-tech-red-raiders
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