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Mason Ramsey

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Everything posted by Mason Ramsey

  1. Justin Williams, the LB https://247sports.com/Player/Justin-Williams-46113777/
  2. Not the team that got whooped by Quinn 49-0 saying he's not good!
  3. I'm in the office today and don't have the pic on my work laptop here. I need to send it to myself once I'm home so I have it on this laptop and not just my PC at home.
  4. If you're him, you gotta roll with the "Ellis Island" nickname as a CB here, right?
  5. Sounded to me like the comparison was to other players in his class and folks ranking guys like Nico above him.
  6. Is "the windup guy" Nico I. or Malachi Nelson? I assume Nico, but could be wrong.
  7. I get what you're saying. I was looking strictly at rank in the country/position/state and not player rating (90 vs 97.6).
  8. Which one of us is looking at this wrong? This distribution is pretty normal, no?
  9. Sanders to Ole Miss right after Howard while still having Dart???
  10. Gerry said he heard as of tonight, "maybe not" on Johnson.
  11. Any notes on us being interested in any Okie Lite WRs? Bryson Green would elevate the room and be a very solid edition.
  12. Correct. Is there anyone in the portal that hasn't been talked about much that we should be pursuing? There are some decent WRs but we need a starter level player to hop in after bowl season. I know we'll take someone after it looking like two straight freshman classes of 2 WRs
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