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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Longhornlove

  1. Murphy ahead of Sweat? Really, pretty sure that isn't what the film says.
  2. Didn't you know? I love how when he throws a deep out and you hear the announcers oooooh and aaahhhh over his weak arm. Throws most college QBs won't even attempt.
  3. You have already made it abundantly clear you have no idea what you are talking about. 1st, you asked when we ran deep curls, now you admit it, which is it. Maybe you should lurk more and post less.
  4. I wasn't after I saw them donkey punch WVU. Early in the game, yes, by the end, no.
  5. I figured you would enjoy that kind of thing. You seem to be so into doom and gloom terrible thoughts and predictions. Should be like porn for you no?
  6. How many games this year has this O-Line been "eaten up" exactly? Need an idea of what your "eaten up" means.
  7. IMHO he is an H back, he will never be an inline TE in the NFL with his current light in the ass poor blocking.
  8. Great receiver, great family, can't block for shit. He seems to be a decent lead blocker when he isn't going up against a lineman. There is no way in fucking hell he should be isolated against UoH best pass rusher, that is just fucking stupid and the coaching staff has to know that if I do.
  9. They didn't kill anybody with slants. It was crossing routes, big difference but keep going. I want to see where this leads.
  10. What about the other injuries, like 3 of the 4 starters in the secondary. Do we take that into account?
  11. Sure there is, I don't know them and don't pretend to. It is obvious at this point there was a plan to redshirt him. Pretty sure that didn't come from Arch himself. You are right about one thing though "but we said no playing him this year" is stupid, I didn't say it and I'm not sure who did. He gets to play in 4 games, he should get some time. Maybe we are fortunate he hasn't gotten in a game yet. Sark himself has said multiple times this year that he wanted to get Arch in a game, it just hasn't happened.
  12. It isn't meaningless if the Grandpa, dad and uncles were told he would and wanted him to redshirt. Make no mistake, the Mannings care about Texas ONLY because Arch is enrolled there.
  13. So to the moron that posted that Quinn would 100% have a shortened career because of his weight hasn't ever seen this? Imagine if Tom Brady had a 6 pack here, he would be what 185, 190 maybe? How did his career turn out?
  14. You can't play him against running teams because he can't tackle either.
  15. You clearly can't stay on topic. "He is also small for an NFL QB. Playing that way at 195 lbs in the NFL is a 100% guarantee to have a short career" Your quote not mine. He is going to be 205-210 in the NFL. If he continues to go to the gym, maybe bigger. I'll give you that he is smallish for a NFL QB but height is fine, once again he will put on weight. So what about your opinion of 100% guarantee that he will have a short career? Let me guess, you have some stats for that too? That is what I was talking about in the first place. I guess he will be perpetually at 195 and is doomed.
  16. I watched it in its entirety without bias, you should try it.
  17. Your comment about him having a short career because of his size is a opinion, not a fact or a data point. You made that shit up now you are throwing meaningless statistics to support a bad opinion when the statistics you provided have nothing to do with your bad opinion. Take the L dude.
  18. His four games against Alabama and Oklahoma the last 2 years say otherwise.
  19. Most QB's aren't ready for the NFL until they have been in it for a few years. If he has a draft able grade in 1st or second round, he needs to go, ready or not.
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