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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Longhornlove

  1. I suppose he should have thrown into coverage and risk turnovers huh? Credit Houston, they changed up their defense and we struggled to run the ball effectively for a large portion of the game. Statistically he was solid. Hard to deny that but you do you.
  2. Quinn was 218 in the Bowl game, being 195 right now is meaningless. He is 20 years old for christ sake. Tom Brady fluctuated from 195 to 225 during his playing career at 6'4. Drew Brees isn' big. Russell Wilson isn't big and QE will without question be bigger than the last 2. Colt wasn't big until he aged. By all means, produce your list.
  3. There is a laundry list of NFL QBs that defy what you stated.
  4. I must be hovering over the target with you.
  5. Why are so many people complaining about Ewers play today? JFC this place is fucking weird. Pretty sure he didn't throw 3 pick sixes to let Houston back in it. He played solid, started out great and didn't get much help. His biggest mistake was trying to take on defenders trying to pick up a first down resulting in him getting hurt and yet so many in here want to burn him at the cross. Get a life pussies.
  6. Meh, not worried about impact wide receivers. Those grow on trees in the portal if you got the money.
  7. I misheard, went and looked it up and thought it was new. I'm an idiot, neg me.
  8. I must have been multitasking and misheard that then, sorry if true.
  9. Bright side, we might get to see Arch Manning for a "home crowd" lol.
  10. JB gonna get 2 bills against these dudes.
  11. You won't get negged unless you are a idiot.
  12. I can't decide if it looks like a frog or a Thanksgiving Turkey.
  13. When did black become a color of U of H?
  14. Players want to play for him, coaches want to coach with him. That appears to be a rare combination. It is no coincidence Sabans' staff didn't follow him to LSU and Sark was able to take so many coaches to Texas from Bama.
  15. It is the way I felt, someone let all the air out of the balloon, yet the defense could have stooped them or slowed them down enough to keep it to a field goal. You have to punch it in from the one, that is embarrassing.
  16. Winning is fun, playing good as an individual is fun. Executing the way a play is designed is fun. This isn't rocket science. The people taking this out of context are doing so purposely because they don't like the guy and are pushing an agenda. Sark was telling them to win, win each play, win the game.
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