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Bill Brasky

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Everything posted by Bill Brasky

  1. skip to 7:00 to see some on the edge running, and skip to 8:00 to see the crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjiNaKv_FHs&t=435s
  2. his podcasts are really good, some great stories from the old timers
  3. this place is legit, especially for the money
  4. there is a Star Wars themed burger joint in Killeen that does this. you can order honey buns, french toast, and grilled cheese sandwiches as your buns for your burger. yes, the calories are as epic as you can imagine
  5. I didn't think of anything like that being the reason for his absence. Usually its something like divorce
  6. t-minus 8 hours for the mad dash to the keyboard to see who can use the most words to take the biggest shit on the next episode
  7. What does Amber Heard have to do with any of this?
  8. well then. things just got turned up a notch
  9. not very good to eat, I would throw back as well
  10. good for Ericcson, but fuck Ganassi
  11. a crash at the start involving the Penske cars, the Ganassi cars, and Helio would be nice. just sayin
  12. re-watched the first two episodes again cause nothing much else on tv today. at the beginning of the order 66 scene, the youngling in the center of the screen, could that be Reva? same look and hair, not sure that the age lines up though. I thought for second that the mom and kid going through the fake Jedi to escape the planet could have been Ezra but the plants don't line up from what I know about Ezra, and also the age thing again.
  13. every season has pedophiles. now we get arctic pedophiles.
  14. I give a 9/10 overall. Thought the actress playing Reva could have done better, she didn't seem like a good fit for the role. The chase scenes involving Leia lasted a little too long, and the rooftop parkour was a little cringe.
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