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Posts posted by BevoSwag

  1. @Updawg The tech gave me a history lesson of refrigerant.  Apparently DuPont had the patent on R22 and once it expired everyone was making knockoffs.  The Gov replaced R22 with something called R-410A.  He said I was lucky that the units being installed today most likely had R-410A (which he hated and said the smaller coils are not lasting) but refrigerant standards are being upgraded by Gov all the time due to ozone. It's more costly than R22 units and he said he would guarantee R-410A would be replaced with something even more environmental friendly but unfriendly to home owners :)

  2. The AC was performing just fine when the tech arrived.  He said from what I told him it appeared to him the condenser fan motor was the problem.   He was certain the home warranty company would pay so he opened up the compressor and removed the fan motor.  The warranty company kept him on hold for 45 minutes debating on whether or not to pay.  They finally agreed.  He noted the fan had been replaced before and they had to cut off the shaft because it was too long for the 1 1/2 ton unit.  He claimed the fan would overheat, then shut down the unit, and then it would recover eventually.  I thought about it and I told him the fan always operated when it was not working.  He said oh, it must be the capacitor.  He checked and sure enough it was bad.  So new fan motor, new capacitor (there were two actually one larger one and a very small one).

    It's been cooling now this evening.  Hope this is the end of problem.  Thanks again to all who commented.

  3. Yesterday was another one of those unexplainable events according to Nest.

    11:54am  Thermostat set at 77 degrees;  room temp 86;  humidity 73%; outdoor temp was 91 degrees

    2:47pm Set to 78 ; room temp 94;  humidity 67%; outdoor temp was 96 degrees

    Suddenly starts cooling down at 5pm.  Set to 78; room temp 87; humidity 48%; outdoor temp was 97 degrees

    7:30 pm Set to 77;  room temp 81; humidity 57%; outdoor temp was 92 degrees

    Of course this morning it is perfectly normal.  At 7:45 am Set to 77, room temp is 75, humidity is 60% and outside temp is 79 degrees

    Repairman scheduled between 1-5pm today.

  4. @Jkwellborn

    The issue began 6 months ago when the compressor made a singing noise you could hear much clearer inside the house than standing outside by the compressor.  Since it cools sometimes, more than not, and the fan is not blowing hot air out the original guy who came and couldn't find anything wrong said probably capacitor.  He did check refrigerant.  The loose duct part is interesting.  The fan blows hard out the first vent but a trickle out the second furthest away from unit.

  5. I was really surprised the SEC caved after the ACC obviously tried to hold on to their traditional rivalry games with the SEC at end of season.  

    I can't wait to hear how this is going to fall out with TV contracts.  ESPN lawyers and Fox Sports lawyers are probably in conference calls right now.  Probably like Boeing and the airlines trying to juke and shuffle what each is given.

  6. A timely topic.  We are not the original owners of our 3 story TH.  It was built in 1993.  The previous owners in 2017 replaced downstairs (3 1/2 ton Trane) and second floor (3 ton Trane) but not the heaters.  No issues.  The third floor (actually a nicely refinished attic with bath and a pool table :) ) is a 20 year old Goodman A/C (1 1/2 ton) with electric heat.  We have a home warranty with Super Home.  The problem is getting the Goodman to cooperate when the service tech arrived.  For several months on occasion the Goodman stops cooling, infrequent.  The Nest thermostat is set on 78 and it can reach 92 up there.  Then overnight it catches up and cools to Nest setting.  Rainy, cool days like we've had recently in Houston allow it to work normal.  A few 95 degree days and it can't cool.  The original tech told me it was probably a capacitor issue and the Warranty company fine print will not replace those.  When the compressor is running and the fan is blowing it will not blow hot air like the other two units.  

    I'm ready to pull the plug and buy an entirely new unit.  I'm also told Goodman isn't a good unit.  But hey, if the current one is 20 years plus can the current crop be that bad?

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