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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. For him to use that grey scrotum bumper, you don’t want the bill getting in the way.
  2. Post this like a billion times next year then update the year every year just to be an immature asshole. I can’t wait!!!
  3. Gabrielle Nestande’s accident was in Tarrytown not on Far West. It was never thought to be a deer. She said it was a rock. Your history lesson sucks!
  4. Aggys push major resolution through Austin. Link.
  5. I know something that plugs holes and stops periods. If you’ve pulled the goalie and had shark week once a month, try shooting skeet indoors.
  6. True. Just seems like a timely visit before we need it.
  7. Doesn’t this seem like a big deal? You know, when another leader visits the most sophisticated missile defense system in the world with Lloyd Austin…or does this shit happen all the time? Just curious…
  8. Easy there my friend. You find one good spot that is better than Love’s Travel Stops and you give them credit?
  9. Jesus titty fucking tap dancing christ, that’s hilarious.
  10. I think that’s what makes us have such a high standard. We lose our fucking minds when we lose 1 game. We want to shut down the program, kill all of our coaches and insist that each one of us would’ve called a better game with a head full of whiskey, a mouth full of Copenhagen, and belly full of brisket. I take pride in understating what our program has accomplished. I would much rather it be this way than like aggy. They get one five star recruit and start creating hashtags about how they run the entire state. You keep celebrating those 2 loss seasons and I’ll keep losing my mind when we lose one fucking game. I’m ok with that.
  11. I did it in Key West once. It was fun. It seems really fucking stupid to be parasailing next to the bridge that was in the movie “True Lies.”
  12. Now there’s someone who could really ride the dinghy…
  13. You mean: IPIHB is the proper forum.
  14. Have her practice on a banana first, then move up to a cucumber. She could be the most popular girl above and below deck.
  15. You’re absolutely shitfaced before noon on Memorial Day. Awesome.
  16. Negged for the non-jizz version.
  17. This sure was interesting. I went from, “yeah he was probably wasted” to “I shouldn’t make such judegement” and now it went to blackout booze levels and ketamine. What a rollercoaster.
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