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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Jfc, we’re doing HS football stories.
  2. Thank you, please don’t tell me how it ended.
  3. You’re higher than a set of pterodactyl titties before sundown on a Tuesday. Jesus man….
  4. It would be interesting to watch this. I wonder if all of the other team’s blow hard posters joined in the same time frame.
  5. 1) Read the fucking link in my first post 2) Google it, google Moses, I don’t give a fuck 3) He’s used the technology in Flint, MI, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and more. It’s big, it’s proven and more people are using it. 4) Re-read #3 you moronic illiterate stupid fucking bastard There, there are your projects. You could’ve simply used your own electron sized brain to actually look up the technology from the first fucking link I posted. Instead, you just cried aloud and said “waaaaaah, as far as I know, there aren’t any.” You know why you didn’t know? You haven’t left your trailer park since June and you can’t jeopardize your cricket cellular data plan by actually searching more about atmospheric water generation. Why the fuck would I waste time explaining shit that you can look up? Educate yourself. Read, fuckwad!
  6. Lol, that’s not how it works. You can’t just shout something and claim it to be true. The burden of proof lies with you as you insisted that it doesn’t make sense. Prove it to me. Give me the numbers. Bonus points if you can give me the cost of a desalination plant. There’s solutions for problems everywhere. It doesn’t mean people immediately adopt them. I firmly believe it just proof of concept on a larger scale. The point is it’s a lower cost compared to the desalination plant. Your infrastructure cost is much higher for a desalination plant. The atmospheric water generation uses gravity which only results in way less pumps than something that is installed at sea level. I agree carbon credits have been around for awhile but you don’t see people pairing them with other water production solutions to my knowledge. You also have a tremendous amount of focus on climate change. Now more than ever. This is most interesting to me because for decades we used water to produce electricity and now we may be using electricity to produce water. People will use atmospheric water generation at local levels on a much larger scale than desalination plants. No one will build one and pump water to Denver or Austin for example. Why? Because it costs way too much. I could sit here and waste my time and start quoting my kWh, fuel costs, daily/hourly gallon production to you but I unfortunately don’t share the same passion for message boards as you do.
  7. I always wanted to explore this concept. We build oil pipelines all over the world. I always wondered about a water grid from flood areas to drought areas. There would still be the need for purification but the concept is very interesting.
  8. It was amusing on my first reply when I told you that you didn’t know how much it cost. It was over for you from there…
  9. I like how you skipped over the part about the desalination plant setup cost. Thats by far the largest cost. You also have larger carbon credits on the back end to sell through creating the solar and water generation. Its ok that you’re not in innovative or intelligent. We’ve all known this for quite some time.
  10. It’s much lower cost and infrastructure than anything related to desalination. Drilling a well is the lowest cost but that’s not an infinite amount of water. Atmospheric water generation is the best solution, even though you have no idea about the cost. Its absolutely scalable per home or industrial use. Getting water for a home cost less than solar at the moment with this solution but they’re doing solar on a grand scale. It just takes education and awareness for people like yourself.
  11. You silly fucks keep spouting (pun intended) all of this desalination nonsense. Water is in the air all around us. You need to learn from one of our local homeboys, Moses West. He’s a god damn genius. Run it off solar. https://awgcontractingus.com
  12. Interesting theory. She will now get raped in prison and not be able to have an abortion because she pushed someone down the stairs. I haven’t thought of this angle. Press charges for sure.
  13. We need someone that’s well versed in Floridian manatees to figure this out. Vic….?
  14. There’s a reason they were doing high fives afterwards and no one was breaking it up. It’s a woman.
  15. Wyoming or Texas. Jesus….that is just such a tough decision. At least he’s not injured hanging around some low rent shithole like Virginia.
  16. Try being an alpha instead of a scared little pussy. You’ll find that positivity is better. Quit living by what your Facebook and Twitter want you to see. Grow a pair and learn more about people in the world. Solid comment when you said “you people.” You think you know what I am. That says a lot about you.
  17. Pancho’s thread goals: 1) increase racism 2) Victimization 3) pure stupidity
  18. 9? Jesus I would only do this after blacking out and going blind.
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