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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. I’ve never had conference allegiance and never will. When you live in Texas, you’re exposed to fan bases that are close to you because it’s such a large state with large population. It’s completely different than all of those tiny moonshine guzzling butt fuck cities in Tennessee. It doesn’t make sense to compare Nashville to anywhere in Texas. I am excited about competing against others with lower educational standards. I do believe Texas has a lot of T-shirt fans. The SEC has a ton of T-shirt fans with more passion that can’t spell ‘college.’
  2. There’s a limited amount of doctorate degrees that allow you make the payments on a 2008 Chrysler 300M.
  3. Agreed. The housing here won’t be fixed. Ever. Waaay too much chicken fucking. When we vote for things like Project Connect, we just make it more expensive but no one cares to understand that this increases both ownership and renting real estate. Pretty cool stuff to vote for. To make matters worse, they didn’t even have the accurate amount it would cost. I can’t fathom putting together a package for a city of a million people and being a few billion off of the true number.
  4. 👆🏻All of that and you can do almost anything you want and keep your job. You can have multiple illegitimate children with child support issues, beat up a woman, get into a bar fight, escape the scene of an accident, murder someone, sexually assault 6 handfuls of masseuses, drive drunk, steal from a mall, do cocaine before you play, cuss out your bosses, blast everyone around you on social media, skip practice, show up late, openly cheat on your spouse, abuse your child, wire fraud and a few other things….and keep your job.
  5. Agreed. I’m feel fortunate I never made millions playing football.
  6. *The Panhandlers ….Jesus Christ, I’m not sure if you were serious. The Flatlanders are from half a century ago.
  7. My how the mighty have fallen…
  8. If you feel the doctor’s hips, he’s in too deep.
  9. That really doesn’t matter in my mind. The net positive is that we are jerking each other off.
  10. I agree the crowdsourcing worked as intended. I did get some mild entertainment with his psychobabble reading the theory of everything. As funny as some of it was, it’s clear that he had an actual real life mental issue. Where-ever he was getting his WiFi, or cell phone service, the sad part is that someone real (family, friends, nurses, neighbors, etc) is having to deal with these issues in a real life setting. That’s way bigger than all of us jerking each other off over the nonsense we argue about here.
  11. Interesting dynamic. The guy behind the mic has killed hundreds of thousands of people but the terrorists have only killed over 100.
  12. One of my friends had one in high school. It was the 4 cylinder BFPS edition.
  13. You know that feeling…when you see a technologically advanced, new age vehicle that’s costly, it makes you completely jump to a politically charged negative creator comment completely ambiguous to the thread subject. Happens to the worst of us.
  14. Solid solution. Water Conservation. Everyone can do their part.
  15. They also invented lattes and croissants. (I think)
  16. Quality post. And Jesus, I guess the bridge ended up being way the fuck up there.
  17. I disagree. Re-read it and focus on “crunch wrap.”
  18. $30 crunch wrap, $15k DWI. The math is easy. I’ve done it dozens of times but I’m also filthy rich.
  19. Well, if you did your due diligence, he’s being honest about his real name (assuming that’s his real phone number). But I agree, can someone PM Derka and have him call this guy and record it?
  20. Fastpeoplesearch.com Reverse phone search is easy
  21. Agreed. They used to be somewhat confined to this website but now they’re starting to show up everywhere.
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