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Everything posted by Lobwedgephil

  1. Well played Lincoln. Fuck OU.
  2. Someone had a great response to her. https://twitter.com/tracypruitt4/status/1464779556821381122?s=20
  3. Jimbo is Sumlin record wise, with a good covid season in the middle.
  4. Should be good plan, seasonality shows strength until Dec 6th for Santa rally, then chop.
  5. I think it is something more, I never clear cookies for this site, and I have to click agree every new page or click on this site. Could be a macOS Monterey thing though, but every page.
  6. Quad witching tomorrow will be very interesting, SPY trying to hold a trend line it has been on since April 2020 vs. the usual volatile day. And if you haven't been having fun, FOMC next week with possible taper announcement.
  7. I like it for a fairly low risk trade. Not my style of trading, but I do sell a lot of naked puts.
  8. King broken ankle according to aggy boards.
  9. I remember when aggy stole Calzona from Georgia. Colorado is awful though, so going to be a close game.
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