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Everything posted by Laga4

  1. I tried. What what's wrong with coach Bo's rant?
  2. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UyxpL-xauDk?start=46" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Texas 53 ULM 23 Bijan 124 rush 29 receiving Bijan is tough to handicap because he can go the distance at any time. A team might be doing a good job containing him and in the next 5 carries he puts up 85yds.
  4. Birth is a wonderful thing, but it's not pretty.
  5. Y'all keep going, I'm taking notes.
  6. Final Prosper 17 Euless Trinity 13
  7. I'm still Missouri about Sark. Wasn't crazy about the hire, but after we struck out with SubUrban, anybody was going to be a disappointment. I think just getting the Tom Herman stank out of the locker room will be a pretty big team improvement. Got some recruiters on the staff, it's time for the coaches to step up.
  8. I was thinking about going with Cheez Whiz.
  9. I think connoisseur is more like it. And yes, I did have to look up how to spell it.
  10. Overrated, I’ll take Pecorino Romano.
  11. UGA with the aerial attack trying to get even with BEVO.
  12. Since "a team spokesman" made the announcement, that only added blood to the water for the conspiracy theorists.
  13. I just hope our team isn't as confused about WTF's going on as this board is.
  14. I don't have a clue what's going on with the defensive tackles. I've followed fall camps for a lot of years and usually I can kind of piece together info from posters and $9.95's and form some kind of opinion, might not be right but at least I have an opinion. Not this year with the defense and especially the DT's.
  15. Not by much but, pedo ahead of meat chicken surprises me.
  16. Not yet. Someone posted a few days back that probably 80% of the fans at the first game won't have a clue what's going on with the team right now. I think that same percentage holds for the fans across America that will tune in on their big screens. He may have lost a good deal of the hardcores like us on surly but, not "average fan". Now, if we are as bad as a lot of us think, he can lose "average fan" in a big hurry.
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