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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. Has Bobby ever got so jealous that he completely blew up a great thing on YT to only start your on YT and be shittier than what you had?
  2. One thing I like about Gerry/Bobby when talking recruiting is they actually share insights into technique and such when talking their evaluations. Wells just says generic shit like "he's a dawg!"
  3. I just said it because of his inability to gain weight. Seems like he'll be a non-contributor long term
  4. This guy is making an UOV for the spring game now https://247sports.com/player/kevin-wynn-46132024/
  5. Their process reminds me so much of the process post mack where we ended up with Charlie Strong.
  6. The only thing you can compare them on is YT at this point especially since OTF's website is like a month or two old. OTF is the clear winner on Youtube As far as owners of a site Burton is so far ahead of Nahlin in this aspect. Lets wait and see on the websites. As far as covering recruiting it's not Nahlin/Wells vs Burton/Gerry it is Nahlin/Wells vs Gerry/CJ. The ultimate tie breaker: OTF is affiliated with Surly so get fucked IT.
  7. Opinion rendered useless given the bolded. At least you tried.
  8. Gulette has apparently looked really good this spring
  9. Akana seems most easy to point at with that edge position.
  10. Gerry just brought up an interesting point I didn't immediately catch.....Baker is also working pass rush with the edges. Wonder if PK will be focused more macro level of defense and not so much edges like years past?
  11. Guys it's just midweek games, they don't mean anything! Just have to go 2-1 the rest of the way in conference play! /cope
  12. Where exactly did this take place? Also you wouldn't be racing in a bronco....That police report is very bland and vague....
  13. Analytics dorks in football is the worst. Seasons too short, players are different as there isn’t individual matchups to draw good analytics from. Paralysis by analysis
  14. Well he aint going to get good Mexican up there so it could be a going away meal! lol
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