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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. Well, Ty should be good and rested after that half inning. 3-3 top of 5
  2. Fuck these reviews...the ball hit his knee
  3. Wasted opportunity, but not worried...we're going to win this game
  4. Of course, he calls that one a strike...fucker
  5. Bases loaded, Faltine at bat, two down.
  6. This ump really doesn't like calling third strikes
  7. Sweet putout by Cam to end the inning. 2-2 going to bottom of 2
  8. Less than ideal start, but I'll go out on a limb here and say that those two runs will not win this game.
  9. Your avatar seems quite appropriate given the information in this post.
  10. Touche...I brain farted on that one. I'll stand by the rest of my post.
  11. The St. David's Medical Center: "The human race has faced an enemy like no other these past few months...one that has made time stand still." This voiced over an image of the SRV statue with a mask over his face. Fuck off with all this stupidity. An enemy like no other...like the Spanish flu, Hong Kong flu, AIDS, Ebola, etc. never happened, and those are just during my lifetime. And, no, it did not make time stand still. That's just stupid. The sun has risen and set every day, as per usual, every day of this pandemic, and will continue to do so for the rest of time. And whomever put the mask over the SRV statue's face should be ashamed of their vapidity. Statues do not catch cold, and I seriously doubt that anybody was convinced to wear a mask by seeing a mask on the statue. I friggin' hate hyperbole. Now, all you SOBs get off my lawn!!!
  12. He fucked up when he had the ball, and the lead, with three minutes to play, and decided not to run the ball, but called 3 passing plays instead. The result was a three and out, saving lots of time on the clock for ISU, which they used to drive the field, take the lead, and ultimately, the win. *furk*
  13. Pete Fiutak seems like he sucks. I especially like where he states that Texas was "not necessarily part of the discussion" back when the PAC was considering expansion in 2011. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb/pac-12-expansion-what-schools-should-the-conference-target/ar-BB1gId5S
  14. I don't understand why this has to be so complicated. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, there is a coin flip to determine who gets first possession in OT. No dillydallying over whether you want the ball, or play defense, or defer, etc. You win the coin flip, you get the ball. Kickoff and play as you would at the beginning of any other new quarter of play. Each team gets at least one offensive possession. If, after each team has had one offensive possession, the game is still tied, it becomes sudden death. It's really not that difficult.
  15. Offensive rookie of the year, a couple of pro bowls, winning nearly 2/3 of his starts; yeah, the guy really stunk up the league. Probably wishes he had had Troy Smith's career.
  16. Incorrect. The gates of CIA HQS are guarded by the CIA's armed Security Protective Officers. From the way the story is written, it sounds as if this situation was kind of drawn out for quite a while. As soon as the SPOs stopped the suspect, and he refused to leave/cooperate, the SPOs most likely called the FBI, as they are folks who have the skills and experience with negotiations in standoff situations.
  17. Jim Bertelsen was the first Longhorn name I remember. The first college football game I remember watching was the 1969 Texas/Arkansas game. I was an 8 year old living in northern New Jersey at the time. A few months earlier, I had learned that the company my dad worked for was moving its HQS to Houston, and we'd all be moving to Texas the following summer, so I was all in on everything Texas. I just remember hearing Bertelsen's name repeatedly, and he became my first Longhorn hero. RIP, Mr. Bertelsen
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