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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. Bravo for holding it right side up this time, you stupid bastard. ETA: 4-6 weeks for a reprinted book is hilarious. They'll never get shit.
  2. I defy y'all to name anyone in history who ever exuded anywhere close to the level of Small Dick Energy as Donnie and his little mushroom do on a regular basis. That his cult sees him as some sort of alpha badass - and actually cite his BDE - is the biggest gaslighting and joke out of the whole Trump tragicomedy.
  3. This is a fascinating question. It seems quite possible that the answer is no, even if we include all types of contests over his lifetime. He probably cheated when playing games with his kids. Kidding, of course. I highly doubt he ever played with them.
  4. Video seems legit. Nobody who's anywhere close to good at golf could fuck up a shot that badly. I mean, I suck at golf and that would be by far my worst shot ever, including when drunk at Top Golf.
  5. This really is outrageous. I'm pretty confident that nobody in history has caught so many breaks so undeservingly. I don't think I've heard or seen a court reduce a supersedeas bond by such a large percentage, and to do so without providing an opinion justifying the order is bullshit. When you throw in the fact that the worthless prick was bragging to the whole world that he had enough money to pay it, it's a total traveshamockery. I think I'm just going to stop paying attention to all the attempts to hold this shitbag accountable. It's really bad for my mental health. It's probably time to accept that the Simulation is trolling me with this orange clown.
  6. I'm betting he has that amount on hand and won't need a bond.
  7. Hmm... This is completely unrelated and random, but does anyone know whether you can take a rifle onto golf courses in Florida?
  8. Aileen Cannon should be hanged. Corrupt bitch.
  9. It's breathtaking how much Fanni has screwed up her time in the national spotlight. BBC is undefeated I guess.
  10. It's actually terrifying to read so many rantings of completely insane morons when they're put together like that. These people are lost causes and should be rounded up and put into camps. I'd never say that about any other group, except maybe aggy.
  11. Sadly he's proven that he's such a cautious, by-the-book boy scout that he would've been a fantastic SC justice. That's just not what we need at AG in the MAGA era.
  12. Yeah it's not at all like Garland to drag his feet on this stuff.
  13. Definitely some truth to this and it's what I've been telling myself. Hopefully, if/when Trump does end up getting crushed, political opinion polls will be universally acknowledged as useless.
  14. It blows my fuckin mind that Trump isn't getting crushed in every poll. I can't fuckin believe how dumb this country is.
  15. Sorry for your loss and your sister.
  16. Headline: Biden Aides Alarmed by Increasing Signs of Tourette Syndrome
  17. Whatabout Hillary?! Very original.
  18. It's obviously not, this whole thing is dumb as fuck.
  19. Those are all trash for sure but I think refusing to apply the plain language of the constitution solely because of fear of MAGAts takes the cake.
  20. Wow that's really pathetic of the University. What they wrote clearly came from a good place and was barely even pro-Palestinian.
  21. It's going to go down as one of the most poorly-reasoned pieces of shit the court has ever produced. I thought they'd try a little harder to hide that they decided the result first and then worked backward.
  22. Story will be weaponized against Biden anyway.
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