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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. That's not opening the door unless the state broached the topic. And whether it was deducted simply isn't relevant to shit. Why would they cross him with tax records when he said he didn't deduct them? Are you saying they're going to subpoena them on the hope they actually were deducted so they could impeach? Also if Wade testifies again, it'll be limited in scope to rebutting whatever this divorce attorney says today. I think we're done with the taxes sadly.
  2. Should be pretty much anything other than houses. We don't have enough of those.
  3. I guarantee you there are MAGAts on the internet right now claiming this kid is just an actor and is perfectly healthy.
  4. Lol wut. Sorry but this is not a winning argument.
  5. I don't follow your argument that they're not fake Christians. These people would call Jesus a woke snowflake cuck pussy to his face. You seem to be saying that the original breed of Christianity in America was also hypocritical and fake. I can get down with that. But I disagree that they want to rule under the Bible. They want to rule under Bible verses cherry picked mostly from the Old Testament.
  6. I'm sure that there will be moral outrage about "porno Joe" mentioning sex. Children listen to the president!
  7. Think of a nazi that pretended to be religious and you're pretty much there.
  8. Obama laughably high. They must be giving him credit for the things he wanted to do but failed due to R obstruction shenanigans. And then there's the foreign policy things others have mentioned.
  9. This really makes me want to take a shovel to the faces of my conservative relatives and friends. I get that feeling often these days.
  10. I'd have gone with Glory but that's not bad.
  11. Holy shit, you need to get your brain totally rewired. I can only imagine what other insane opinions you have formed that are entirely counter to all available evidence. I'm assuming you're a flat earther and 9/11 truther. Much harsher reactions like...what? Mean Truths? JK, Trump doesn't even have the stones to do that. Few people in history have been as shameless about being in another man's pocket. I'd put Biden's senility and confusion up against Trump's any day of the week. Nothing Biden has said has even been in the same universe as Trump confusing Haley with Pelosi, as just one example. And on top of that you have Trump's abject ignorance regarding on most any topic aside from defrauding people and orchestrating clownshows. And describing Trump as unpredictable is probably the biggest knee slapper of all.
  12. Sidebar: New York gets an F for how they've named and organized their court system. I'm convinced they had the intention of confusing non-residents. It appears they have no idea what "supreme" means, and having an intermediate "appellate division" a level below the "court of appeals" is regarded.
  13. After the NY courts are done I'm certain that the Trump legal braintrust will conjure up some specious constitutional issue that they'll shit out onto SCOTUS' doorstep to try to at least get a stay.
  14. Yeah I get that, but the Rs sure do love wheeling out their handful of token "ethnic" members to show how diverse and inclusive they are. They may accurately reason that the base, while racist as fuck, are so loyal to Cheeto that they won't lose a single vote if they go with a black VP. I think they'd perceive the inroads with blacks would more than make it worth it. Though they'd definitely be scared shitless about being responsible for a second black president if Dotard dies in office.
  15. It was pretty apparent to me that he just didn't care to get into his real feelings on the people horseface mentioned so he was like yeah, sure, they're all on the list, whatever. No reason to cause a fuss about it until he announces who it'll be.
  16. The smart move would probably be Tim Scott or Byron Donalds. I wouldn't be totally shocked if his advisers convince him to go that route, but with Cheeto the smart money is always on the stupidest move possible. That's why I'm sticking with my prediction of MTG for Veep.
  17. Not sure how you apparently took me to mean that Biden or the prospect of his reelection sucks balls. I'm saying that - between his inexplicably poor approval ratings, widespread concern about his age with calls for him to step aside, and the existential threat posed by Cult 45 - the circumstances of this election sucks balls.
  18. I think most people are concerned less about Biden's numerical age or even his gaffes than the way he looks and sounds. It's very concerning to me when considering how the average dumbass in this country views the potus election horse race. Of course Dotard is almost as old and says even more senile shit, but it's hard to deny that he comes across as more vigorous right now. It's OK to acknowledge that this situation sucks balls. Refusing to talk about it isn't going to make the issue go away. Neither Stewart nor any other serious commentator on the age issue is saying that it makes Dotard the superior choice.
  19. I'd love to sit in on the Fox News staff's brainstorming sessions re: how to obfuscate basic shit to confuse their stupid ass viewers. I have no doubt they laugh their asses off when coming up with stuff like this. "How bout we act like he's being charged just for 'talking to Russians'? Then we can make the Biden admin look corrupt and also help whitewash all the Trump/Russia shit. It's not like they're gonna read or hear about it anywhere else 😂"
  20. Everyone misses the '90s.
  21. I can't conceive of anything slimier than prosecuting war criminals at The Hague.
  22. Nothing other than Dotard. Beneficiaries are entitled to get the funds directly from GFM if it's not paid to them by the organizer.
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