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Ricky Butler

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Posts posted by Ricky Butler

  1. 7 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    I mean that's what a smart team would do, but Cleveland isn't smart..... and with Lebron their picks will be bottom 5 picks, so not very valuable and Houston doesn't really have any good young players anymore unless they sent Capela.  No idea what they'll do but if I'm the Cavs, I wish Lebron well and start the long rebuild by selling off those shitty ass vets they have.  

    Also, a sign and trade now institutes a hard cap now.  I think it's 129 million but could be wrong.  

    Yeah, I bet they are wishing they played the whole Kyrie situation a little differently.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Would Cleveland even want Anderson and Gordon with 2 years left on their contract.  If I remember it was a free agency signing when he left for Miami.

    Methinks if BronBron leaves, then Cavs will want to dump salary, not take on more shitty contracts. (not Gordon... he good)

  3. 4 minutes ago, Dutchrudder said:

    It's not exaggerated, it's just not well understood. That graph was trying to show the potential earnings of going for max money versus deliberately taking less money. It doesn't even factor in the 8% higher tax rate of the state of California, nor the 1.5% tax on citizens of San Francisco (though he may be avoiding this with a different residence).  I mean, that's 9.5% in more taxes to be paid on potentially 200+ million, which is a lot of money. 

    It also doesn't take into account what one could do with more money up front, by investing those higher earnings a few years earlier than foregoing the income. It's a huge snowball effect on the individual's wealth, which likely won't be entirely replaced by the endorsements and potential business deals (which can also go south). It's just an extraordinary risk to take as a person, and a huge favor to the team's management, as they could be paying an enormous amount of luxury tax instead. 

    I think Kevin realized you can't take it with you when you die and winning is fun.

  4. 14 hours ago, BigOrange1 said:

    i'm hoping cp3 will agree to a 2 +1 type of deal, but his contract is going to be tied to whether or not they get lebron.  obviously, i think he'd take less if it helped land lebron.

    I don't know the ins and outs of CBA, but a lot of podcast mention two things that pique my curiosity: 

    1) What "under the table" agreement was reaches last year with CP3 to get him to only take a one year extension and leave money on the table.

    2) CP3 is/was head of the players association and fought hard to get a higher max contract for veterans like he and Lebron. (I may be misunderstanding this) The question would be how those two things influence his desire to leave money on the table when he played such an integral role in making those types of contracts possible.

    This summer is going to fascinating. Another thing will be if Lebron hasn't actually made up his mind yet. If he makes teams wait, it might scare a couple off.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Hate said:

    We know KD isn't one of them.

    We actually saw it already. MVP, all-NBA first team, finals appearance, scoring titles, and rookie of the year. I usually think of guys like Tony Parker and Manu when I think of guys afraid to leave a great situation and be "the guy" somewhere else.

  6. 27 minutes ago, d2o said:

    If that happens some playoff team is gonna be ecstatic to get him.

    Yeah, I'm not buying that yet. If it was a week before the draft... then maybe.

  7. 8 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Which is fine, Morey has proven he doesn't need a 1st round draft pick to make a splash on draft night. Besides if healthy most of those picks are going to be 26+, and at that point you are almost better with a high 2nd round pick.

    Then they can probably move them because a rebuilding team could really use that type of asset.

  8. 2 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    Correct, even if they got rid of Anderson for nothing

    This is the problem for them. You couldn't give him away. I bet it will cost them multiple first rounds picks to make someone eat that contract.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    So it was aggy as fuck for Texas fans to bitch about the refs during the okie st football game with strong? So any team fan base that bitches about obvious non calls and let’s be honest even the announcers were going on non stop about Scott foster and his head scratching calls. 

    The refs stole the 2006 NBA Finals from the Mavs. Maybe this means that Harden and the Rockets will beat the GSW in 2023 after Giannis joins the Warriors.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    How courageous of him! Tucked his tail and ran to the team he couldn't beat. That would be like Jordan running to the Pistons. Lebron to the Celtics. Dirk running to the Spurs. He's a clown for that move. And ruined the competitive balance of the league.

    Only Longhorns homers think KD doesn't have as much blame for OKCs failures as Westbrook did.

    First off, Lebron did tuck his tail and mess with the competitive balance in the league, and he is the greatest player of his generation and a top 3 player of all time.

    Second, it's fair to criticize KD, but he is still the best player on his team. He is the mismatch you build around, and he sure seems to be having fun with Steph and Klay.

    Third, his franchise traded future MVP, James Harden, hired Scott Brooks and Billy Donovan, and is in the state of Oklahoma. Durant improved his life and employer.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Hate said:

    Right. Remember how clutch he was when OKC was up 3-1 in the Western Conference Finals against the greatest regular season team of all time when his teammates were Westbrook and Roberson, two horrible shooters?  Remember how the Durant led team couldn't win one of the lat 3 games including one at home?  Does Durant shoulder all of the blame for that?  No, of course not but for you to act like his life doesn't get a lot easier because of Curry and Thompson you are kidding yourself.  To act like that team (GS) can't win a title without him is equally ridiculous as they already had won one and should have won another one.  I get it, you love Durant.  He is the second best overall player in the world and just happened to go the the university that you cheer for and love.  I completely understand why you feel the way that you do, but your inability to understand why anyone else would feel differently is ludicrous.  

    We all understand why you're hating on Durant. Because his new hobby is knocking Texas teams out of the playoffs. He made a great team unbeatable.

    • Like 2
  12. On 5/26/2018 at 5:11 PM, Catdaddyhorn said:

    I’m worried Porter will become this generations Carmelo Anthony. He displayed less of an inclination to pass than the college version of Carmelo and he was a contested jumper monster. Dude had like 1 assist in 50 shot attempts during his 2.25 games in college.

    If he's Carmelo Anthony, that's a steal at number 5.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    That little rant he went on against player tracking metrics was so damn obnoxious.  Really LeBron, you're as tired as anyone after games? Are Al Horford and the baby Celtics making you play a few minutes of playoff intensity defense for the first time all season?  Over in the Varsity Conference, they're struggling to find 6 guys who can play 48 minutes of near-perfect, focused, lock down defense, lest the other team blows them out by 30.  But playing one half somewhat hard each game before your team decides whether or not to throw in the towel must be tough.

    It's hard doing it all yourself. He needs to go to Houston or Philly, so we can be guaranteed more "rested Lebron" in the playoffs for years to come.

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