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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. on the circus finale last night, bannon said that trump was a moderate, and the maga movement is way way to the right of him, and it won't be long until people are wishing for leaders who were as moderate as trump. not joking.
  2. forks is tremendous, but it isn't truly standalone. you really have to understand richie to appreciate the payoff. and to understand richie, you need to see his journey and also see him stabbed in the asscheek.
  3. yeah, i settled on the simpsons gif but considered this one as well: which is probably what anyone on the right is thinking today.
  4. wtf does this mean? anyway, here is the best i could do, there are a lot of useful stats on here - https://www.theviolenceproject.org/key-findings/ i haven't glossed through other than a cursory glance, but 97% are men, and school shootings are huge majority white. since the demographic breakdown means literally nothing to me, meaning i'm not on anyone's "side" in this, everyone go crazy. i do know from other searches that "modern mass shootings" (since the assault weapon ban) skew the numbers, and a lot of these charts go back 60+ years, so you have to put some perspective on things regarding race breakdown, gun access, etc, through the decades of living (or trying to live) in america. one example: so to get the demographics right, you have to concentrate on the last decade, since they've been happening at a much higher rate lately.
  5. that's like a third of the total amount of years, according to people that don't read books.
  6. i'm not super familiar with your arguments with another person. are you looking for demographics on the shooters or the victims?
  7. you mean like age, race, religion, that type of thing? urban vs rural maybe? i don't know about the injured, but i can tell you about the dead. before they got shot they were breathing, and after they got shot they stopped. i can also tell you the number killed under the age of 10 would make your stomach churn.
  8. swifty cult >>>>>>>>>>> maga cult shit is not close.
  9. there was a post on twitter several months back. and it was basically like, "if aliens landed on earth, and we had to choose one person to greet them, one person who represented us the best, who would it be?" and after several random attempts at guesses, someone was like dolly parton. and the comment after that was like, yeah, you can close this poll now.
  10. fincher's masterpiece will always be: the wife was watching the supermodels doc series on apple+ and they started going into this video, which she was too young to remember but i was at the exact right age to fully appreciate it whenever it came on. then (in the doc) they start talking to people involved in the decision to use the models lip-syncing the song, and they had a quick interview with fincher about it, and he was like, "hell yes, i love this idea, let's go." watching the video, you can totally tell it's fincher, as it has all the same spatial elements, lighting, shadows, creative angles and forced perspective from the best of his movies. the scant cavernous rooms where you can sense and feel and even smell all the corners just takes me right back to fight club, panic room, even gone girl. never forget that the movies of the 90's are so fucking cool because that's when music video directors got their shot. 70's are dark. 80's are funny. 90's are cool.
  11. well i poured a stiff 4r oesk around 9:30pm and followed it up with a stagg jr nightcap right before deciding to post this. but it did some numbers, so let me take this opportunity to promote the bear and dave on fx, the offer on par+ and episode 3 of the last of us.
  12. these dumb motherfuckers are the dumbest motherfuckers.
  13. you mean the american martin maldonado? i'm down.
  14. then i hope 3-4 of them are really serious about it.
  15. more than anyone/anything on the ballots, i paid attention to who voted. if gen z is engaged, this thing is over. if voters in the rust belt are engaged, this thing is over.
  16. it’s so crazy that fox and newsmax (and others) really say “we” when referring to republicans. does msnbc say “we” about dems? not sure they do. this sounds like local mlb radio announcers.
  17. are we thinking nate was a zbt? at mississippi state? in the 1950's? i'm skeptical.
  18. when i look at the angels, i think to myself, well there's a well-functioning organization that has their shit together.
  19. on the list of things i'm worried about, this is not on the list.
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