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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. i don't know who needs to hear this, but if ohio is in play in 2024, it's all over but the crying. yes, i know it's just abortion and weed, but these red morons are activating gen z like the winter fucking soldier.
  2. jesus, where is your stamina? i worked a pretty full day (ish) and still had time to talk shit to republicans on twitter.
  3. youngkin is just like the lot of them. when a strategy works once (crt/fear/parents/school), they think they're smarter than everyone and the same play will work every time. their brains aren't wired to adjust, adapt, or be flexible in the least. trump got an investigation announced against hillary and he's been chasing that high for nearly a decade.
  4. donald j trump will end up being one of the most influential presidents of all time. he is single-handedly carpet-bombing the republican party back to the fucking stone ages, and i am here for it. and here's why that's bad news for joe biden.
  5. counterpoint - that's a good thing. to be truly great, you must suffer. most brilliant artists are tortured souls who die miserable, many by their own hand.
  6. if a rabid trumper/white nationalist did this, then it's thoughts and prayers and absolutely the wrong time to talk about legislation how dare you? if someone from the left did this, then it's a false flag operation to make guns look bad. i don't need no manifesto to tell me that.
  7. there could be a mass shooting orchestrated by every single corner of every single demographic for every single specific motive and half the country still couldn't find the common denominator with two hands and a flashlight.
  8. that wasn't a real question. thought that was pretty obvious. any controversy about why and when and if it would get released has absolutely zero to do with finding another data point and everybody with a working brain cell already knows that.
  9. it wasn't that relationship specifically, that was just a place-holder. the idea was that if you're going to be great, you literally have to be fixated on this one thing and abandon everything else in your life. you have to fully embrace the beast. it's been a recurring theme throughout the series.
  10. ok. i agree that data and analytics are important and should be studied. over the past decade there have been about 6000 "mass shootings". are we getting closer to understanding motives and implementing realistic and outcomes-oriented solutions? do you think this manifesto will break the case wide open? *mass shooting is defined by 4+ people getting killed or injured excluding the shooter
  11. why does it matter? i'm done with motives.
  12. shreveport is a classic example of where folks go cash their paychecks at the casino cage.
  13. uh, the dude is from louisiana. he obviously cashes his checks at the casino every other friday. this is not news, guys.
  14. congrats to the rangers. well fought, well earned. enjoy it. see y'all in 2024.
  15. there are times for an and and times for a but and this is a really great time for an and. i spent part of my weekend proofing my nephew's college application essays, and if this dude went to penn, then my nephew is going to mega-harvard.
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