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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by henrygandorf

  1. not watching, so i didn't see his pitching live, but seems odd we left lance in so long when he was getting knocked around.  we have bullpen arms who can go 2-3 innings who are severely underworked.  would've been nice to get him out before they got 7.

  2. also re:bauer, maybe i just skimmed the article, but there sure seemed to be a lack of team related goals, especially considering the indians are universally projected to be the 3 seed in the al.  maybe that's one of the reasons his teammates dislike him.

    i guess we're spoiled, and obviously everyone's team goals were fulfilled last year (minus cole, rondon, smith), but you just rarely hear any type of chatter like that from our guys (although i know correa would like to win an mvp).  i get the feeling bauer would be moping around if he had a shitty game that turned into a 12-11 victory for his squad.  probably down in the clubhouse watching tape instead of high fiving his hitters.  

    re:hanley - i'm reading it's largely based on the huge payment that kicks in if he reaches a certain amount of pa with the team, so i guess that makes some sense.  they're fine offensively and he's been slumping.  as far as us getting involved, it would surprise me if hinch went after someone that cora didn't fight to keep on his team (obviously those decisions are made higher up, but still).

  3. oh, and i hope he makes the all-star game for the first time.

    thinking verlander probably starts, but then what does the a.l. manager aj hinch do?  he looks at his roster, sees a bunch of his guys, and trevor bauer.  hmmm, who should i put in?

  4. if malkovich is in the show now, basically playing kgb, which was a borderline laughable character even at the time, that's not a step in the right direction.  i like him, he's a good actor, but this is not a smart addition to this show.  i mean, why couldn't he have been a shady american?

  5. that bauer article, yeah.

    when i read an article from someone else's point of view, other people's quotes about bauer, he comes off like a bitter nutcase.  but now, finally seeing things from his point of view, with his direct quotes, he comes off like a bitter nutcase.

    not exactly sure what that all means, but i have a couple guesses.

  6. so because of the credits scene, are we to assume that the entire "x-force" crew is alive and well and potentially in a dp3?

    not a big fan of that.  nothing of consequence should happen in the credits scenes.

  7. 3 minutes ago, BigOrange1 said:

    there are a ton of bitches in this fanbase.  there are probably less than 10 regular posters on this thread (who are here all year, not just for the playoffs) who aren't complete give up at the first sight of adversity bitchasses. 

    i'm like the guy in lost that was on the island the whole time but wasn't part of the core group.  and suddenly i pop up and hurley is like, who the f is that guy, and i get offended.

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