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Posts posted by henrygandorf

  1. really happy for mchugh.  this obviously wasn't his first choice, but he's killing it right now.  last i checked he was leading the al in bullpen era (and i doubt 2 scoreless ip today hurt much).  also helps that he's the number 6 starter on one of the best rotations in history.  easier pill to swallow.

  2. so what are the realistic goals for the stretch of death?

    the way we've been hitting (before today) i would've said 5-6 would be acceptable, then go beat up on everyone else.

    6-5 is winning 2 per series and can be done.  anything better would be pretty special.  winning today when we didn't necessarily have a pitching advantage is big, and gives us a legit shot at 3/4 in cleve.

  3. 4 hours ago, mdmost said:

    I'm enjoying the segment of the fan base that wants people to boycott the first weekend but not boycott the entire thing. So you'll succeed in making it have a lower opening total but it will have a less bad week 2 drop off. That'll show Kathleen! Just stop watching the shit if it bothers you so much because Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, etc. are going nowhere.  

    is that what they're trying to do?  do they realize it'll have the opposite effect?  big opening weekends and then 50%+ dropoff means the marketing dept did their job and the movie is shitty.  big 2nd/3rd/4th weekends means the movie is good and the word of mouth is helping.

    they should be telling everyone to do the opposite or not see it at all.

  4. 22 minutes ago, BearSchlong said:

    I'm one of the dumbasses that read his book. I was left with the impression that although he had achieved some sobriety and success, his ego was still way out of control. Like he was trying to prove to the world that he had conquered his demons. Evidently not.

    i'll have you know my demons and i are closer than ever.  next year we have plans to visit every major league ballpark.


  5. giles is now 9/9 and 13/0 k/bb for the season.

    he should be in every single save situation, but no non save situations, unless it's absolutely necessary.  we have multiple guys that can go multiple innings, and peacock/mchugh are killing it this season.  those are the guys i want in late and tied.

  6. we've discussed it to death, but they fucked up trying to make her the female version of peter.  he wasn't an all-time great character by any stretch, but he seemed to pull off eccentric like a natural (i have no idea what the actor was like in real life).  laurie on the other hand has terrible lines, isn't funny, and when she potentially is involved in a funny scene, has horrible timing.

    she should've either had her character go in a completely different direction, or just slowly removed her from the show.  monica's barely been in it as well, so it's not like laurie was integral.

  7. it's been a good season, but man, last night.  it was like they got together and said "we're gonna make the best billions episode ever", then took a big shit for 55 minutes.  stop with the cameos, stop trying to be deep and philosophical.  stop insisting upon yourself.  this is billions.  better luck next week. 

  8. On 5/18/2018 at 7:28 AM, Capn81 said:

    Even though my team is shit, I would like to thank Robbie Cano for the PED suspension. I wondered when I was going to lose Dee Gordon’s 2B eligibility, but I do not have to worry any longer!

    just as an aside, you don't lose eligibility. 

  9. winning a series against an eventual playoff team without cole/verlander - our best two sp this season without a doubt - is plenty impressive.

    we actually play cle 7x in 9 games and somehow they miss verlander twice.  who knows, maybe it'll help come playoff time?

  10. when i get a sniper early on in 50v50 i like to find a far off spot by myself with minimal building around me.  maybe on the 2nd floor of a house but inside.  and i just watch the action and pick people off, help my guys who are in firefights.  probably my favorite aspect of the game.  rarely can you get multiple sniping opportunities in solo.

  11. let's have some fun with stats right quick and get some perspective.  most baseball fans can't even name the 4/5 starters on the majority of teams.  but let's count all five of our guys, and combine them to make one "astros starter 2018" and assess his performance against the league.  here are some rankings (obviously taking out our individual guys, and assuming amos' stats are correct).

    era 2.25 (2nd in al)

    whip 0.95 (6th in al)

    baa .188 (3rd in al)

    68.4k per guy (4th in al)

    342k/81bb = 4.22 (repeating of course) k/bb, which i didn't have rankings for, but anything north of 4 is pretty ridiculous.

    i doubt anyone this side of elias can compile these types of things for every team, but this is getting historic.  on mlb central every morning, it's been a constant topic.  "it's only 25 games, but..." and so on.  well we're past the quarter mark.  it's not likely sustainable at this level, but barring injuries, you gotta go to some dead ball eras to find proper comps.  enjoy it, fellas.


  12. without addressing the "resigning" part of the equation, i don't think it can be overstated - you cannot have enough starting pitching.  guys go down, guys need rest, god forbid someone has a serious injury.

    our 45 starts from our guys include 5 guys.  how many teams can boast that?  it can't/won't last forever, and dk is dependable.  shit, for being our "worst" sp much of the year in people's eyes, he's 12th in the al in era.  he also traditionally pitches well against the yankees, and is our only lefty, which is important.

    that said, i think we need a lock down lefty (or someone else) in the bullpen.  maybe two guys.  and we could definitely use a useful corner of type, ideally a lefty bat.  last year everybody needed starters at the deadline.  nice to not have that problem this year and just go get relievers and a bat.

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