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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 1 minute ago, retread said:

    Many, many Rs in Congress are compromised imo. It's the only explanation for kissing the ring to this extent.

    Or alternatively, they're dumb gomers who are just trying to play by the same rules they've always played by but don't understand that the game has changed. I think you're underestimating just how dumb many of our congressional representatives are.

  2. 34 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I haven't pieced the timeline together yet -- wasn't Manafort only Trump's campaign manager from June to August 2016?  Does any of this cross into that timeframe?

    Not that it absolves anybody but it would be spun as less important.  It does appear that he "joined" the campaign in March 2016, whatever that means.

    Here's the sequence of events

    March 2016: Manafort joins Trump campaign as an advisor

    Spring 2016: Manafort meets with Assange in person

    June 9, 2016: Trump Tower meeting

    June 20, 2016: Manafort is appointed Trump's campaign manager

    July 2016: Wikileaks releases hacked DNC emails

    It's almost like Trump brought him on for that specific purpose.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    though i will say the fact that some of yall are so sensitive about the comparisons concerns me that they are remotely accurate. 

    A hit dog will holler. 

    • Like 1
  4. I am eager to see what the sentencing process kicks up. If manafort violated his plea deal this is an interesting opportunity to introduce new facts into the case as hard facts that trump cannot argue - IE - correspondence with the trump admin, new lies about his time with the trump campaign, etc. No idea what is coming out but it's gonna fundamentally shake up our understanding of what's going on

  5. 10 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Anyone comparing what's going on today with Nazi Germany is wrong, and it's an insult to the people who suffered through that tragedy. 

    I mean, trump has advocated for a method to revoke citizenship of Hispanic people because they "may be dangerous". That's straight out of the Nazi playbook. Dehumanize, disenfranchise, strip citizenship, cleanse.

    There's been a mountain of people who actually suffered through the Holocaust yelling warning signs and your reaction is to ignore them. Take a look at the fucking mirror. Trump is using the fascists playbook

  6. No idea why a historically notable prison camp for a marginalized social group would be making comparison to a modern prison camp for a marginalized social group where people have been getting sexually assaulted and beaten and forcibly separated from their parents and systemically moved to make it more difficult for those people to even know where they are. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    How so?

    WikiLeaks has been described by Trump's own CIA director as a "hostile intelligence agency" and is known to have been a front for the Russians. Trump's own campaign chair going to the Ecuadorian embassy without being logged days before trump started talking about how Hillary's emails were gonna come out isn't the least bit damning for you? 

    Especially after he's been allegedly lying to Mueller. 

    I get that in a vacuum, any one of these things isn't a big deal, but the body of evidence is growing more and more difficult to ignore. Even for the willfully ignorant. 

  8. Just now, DixonHur said:

    My point is there shouldn't BE a caravan of asylum seekers in the US from Central America because they should have applied for asylum in Mexico.

    I thought I was equally clear.  These are economic migrants, not asylum seekers.

    Then trump should let them have their literal day in court, instead of extra-judicially short circuiting the process.

  9. 1 minute ago, Dahobbs said:

    We could always use ankle monitors if you are that worried about it. Solutions abound if you think for more than 30 seconds.

    Surely you can't be insinuating that 8,000 ankle monitors is less expensive than deploying 5,000 armed service members to the border???

  10. 1 minute ago, Smax said:

    The thing is, that the 8k sitting at the border, the vast majority are not women children and families, they are according to msnbc single men

    Source? I like to provide that when I make my claims, I'd appreciate it if you do the same.

  11. 1 minute ago, Smax said:

    what guarantees do we as a society have that these 8k people will return for their hearings after we cut them lose?

    and you cant honestly believe all of those 8k have legitimate asylum claims can you?

    Well, considering that nearly 100% of families and children who have the benefit of legal counsel (a right guaranteed in our constitution, mind you) show up to their court hearings...


    According to Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), as of December 2017, 97 percent of represented mothers whose cases initiated in fiscal year (FY) 2014 were in compliance with their immigration court hearing obligations three years later.

    Similarly, 98 percent of children in immigration proceedings whose cases initiated in 2014 and who had obtained counsel were in full compliance with their court appearance obligations as of December 2017.

    TRAC data also showed, however, that 44% of mothers were not able to obtain legal counsel. Additionally, among the 57,678 cases of children that were filed before the immigration courts in 2014, 36 percent had not obtained legal representation by December 2017.

    Human Rights First and other groups have noted numerous reasons that immigrants and asylum seekers often lack legal representation.

    Many cannot afford legal counsel

    There is only very limited government funding for legal representation.

    Pro bono legal representation is scarce and over stretched.

    Asylum and immigration laws are exceedingly complex, and without legal representation eligible indivuals often cannot satisfy the stringent legal and evidentiary requirements.

    Statistics have shown that legal representation is the most important factor in determining whether an individual will succeed in their case.  

    The Trump Administration and proponents of legislation that seeks to block funding for legal representation are trying to thwart access to counsel, which in turn will lead to lower appearance rates.

    So basically, I'm arguing that the trump administration is purposely making this as impenetrable as possible so he can gin up a reason to treat this marginalized group as law breaking criminals, rather than scared helpless people.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Agree we should take those who deserve to cross. But I also think it would be a good idea to set up Asylum centers in Central America. Let the people apply and be processed there. Hell of a lot cheaper for them to do it there than coming up through Mexico. 

    Hell even better, the US could have NOT destabilized those central american countries decades ago during the war on drugs and fight against communism expansion.

    • Like 1
  13. Hey look! The guy who wanted to shoot the people at the border is happy that the people at the border are getting shot! Whoda thunk it? Also, it wasn't a military operation, it was being enforced by customs and border patrol. The same folks who have been diddling the immigrant children while they're in their (totally not concentration) camps.

    • Like 3
  14. 23 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    One thing we can probably all agree is that currently our process sucks and needs reform.  The problem is that both sides are so entrenched that it'll be nearly impossible to make any progress until one or both sides cave a little.  Which in the political climate of today is a sign of weekness.

    What if I told you trump and co have had his wall a year ago but welched on the deal?

    Edit: holy autocorrect mangle

  15. Interesting that they would decide to close this major border crossing at the exact time Russia is opening fire on Ukrainian ships and therefore diverting most US media attention.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Oh god I can't help myself. Please enlighten me. Explain what I said that was wrong. Help me, Oh Captain my Captain!


    28 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    My contention is that Trump was under investigation for, as you said it, "possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia", since March of 2016. This is a true statement

    Regardless, no collusion. Fin.

    Lying. Investigated by who? The Democrats who didnt have control of any of the committees?

    You're using the info wars playbook of saying something so convincingly that other navel gazers take what you're saying at face value and stop thinking there. 

    Which committees and agencies were issuing subpoenas and interviewing witnesses with regards to Trump's campaign and Russia? You know, the actual work of an investigation, not just the cable news and q-anon speculation of what the deep state has been doing?

  17. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    She can't be blamed for where her parents sent her when she was a kid.

    What matters is what she has done/said in the last few decades.

    She can't be blamed for her upbringing sure, but it makes it pretty much impossible to give her the benefit of the doubt. And makes it pretty easy to guess how she's gonna feel about folks with a different color skin than her

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