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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    If you don't know, you just don't WANT to know.

    It happens without fail.

    Touch a nerve, or more to the point, post something in opposition to the leftist cabal, and get negged. I post all over this board with my takes.  The negs only happen in CR.  It's dumb as fuck.

    Fuck Cloakroom.

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaa people are mean to me on the internet and they challenge my beliefs

  2. Mostly just tired of that old line. And ya know, not like they recently had bombs mailed to them for being purveyors of "fake news" and yet you're still here using the exact same language and shitty talking points that motivated more motivated idiots than yourself to "DO SOMETHING!"

    Pardon me if I'm getting real tired of trump and trump sycophants gaslighting at every possible opportunity. The surly community has spoken and since we won't be moderating on the basis of what is and isn't factual, it's pretty much our job as posters to call out dumb stupid uninformed shit that enables true believers to do actually terrible things. 

    Not like many of your posts shared opinions and language with the synagogue shooter or the MAGAbomber or anything right?

    • Like 5
  3. 4 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    I assume you've been on an airplane before.  Do you think the people who are seated in coach actually prefer coach to first class?  Do you think they dislike the offerings available in first class?

    Well duh, they just didn't want to pull on their bootstraps as hard as the first class fliers

  4. 34 minutes ago, blacklab said:

    The automation works fine for a single server site . When you have multiple servers running it's not just a one liner.

    To renew the cert I had to:

    • change nginx config
    • turn off haproxy
    • restart nginx
    • run certbot script
    • cat keys together and move to proper location
    • change nginx config
    • restart nginx
    • start up haproxy

    Yeah, I could write a script to do this but I'm fucking lazy


    Or you could stick the whole site behind a load balancer and then only have to worry about certing that single point instead of every backend server. Shit, are we load balancing at the DNS level instead of routing to a load balancer box?

  5. Basically, all that the cert error means is that the connection is no longer guaranteed to be end-to-end encrypted. Nothing necessarily sinister, just a pain in the ass. Also I'm pretty sure it's breaking some of the site functionality like tagging users and editing posts because the javascript is erroring out on invalid cert errors when I take a look at the console out of the webpage load

  6. 7 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    wtf is this science?

    HTTPS is an encryption protocol for your HTTP browsing. The encryption is validated through a trusted third party that authenticates that it's genuine and the communication you're receiving from the server is actually from the server and not a 3rd party (like in a man in the middle attack). An expired SSL (secure sockets layer) cert basically means that the certificate is no longer being validated by the third party, because they have a built in expiration date so it forces certificate rotation which further heightens security.

    On any website using HTTPS, you can click on the little lock symbol in the address bas (or in this case, the red triangle) and look at the SSL cert and see who issued it, it's TTL (time to live), fingerprint, and a number of other technical details.

    Most cert providers do automatic rotation, but some services are more mature than others lol. I'm guessing immamac either missed the expiration notice email, the provider "Lets Encrypt" failed to send it, or it got spam filtered. It's a pretty quick fix, but you also need the proverbial keys to the castle to do so. 

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