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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 5 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    What fits your criteria? I don't think anyone would argue against the idea that Salon has a liberal editorial slant but they also don't outright report lies ala Breitbart.

    It's pretty common among right-wingers (and I'll readily admit I was guilty of this in the Bernie-craze too) to think that because their dogshit editorials only put out horse shit, then all dogshit editorials only put out horseshit. Buzzfeed puts out 99% garbage, BUT, they do occasionally publish well-researched journalism and that ISN'T bullshit. They don't see the distinction between journalistic reporting and editorializing, and are either unwilling or incapable of seeing the difference.

  2. 8 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    Wrong.  Please scroll up and try to read.  I said it wasn't assault but hyperbole.  Maybe your next response you can go even larger text?  seriously?

    I can't make it larger unfortunately. I know you're saying it's not assault, but that doesn't change the fact that the white house is claiming it was and has formally used it as justification for rescinding his credentials.

    You are overlooking this key detail and brushing the whole thing off as everyone overreacting.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    She is probably fat and ugly in real life. Normal chicks you’d want to fuck don’t post on a college sports centered message board of a school she has no ties too. It’s weird as fuck.

    Oh misogyny. Nice throw back my dude. Going 2015-era trump

  4. 2 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    where did I make an excuse?

    7 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    Acosta was being a child and unprofessional as was Trump.  It is a big trap for Acosta and he keeps falling for it.  Trump wants these viral moments because he knows it reinforces his narrative with his base.  Thats why I think he went on with over 60 questions for over a hour.  He wants reporters to look unhinged.  The story then becomes about the press conference and not about some of his ridiculous answers to some of the questions.  BTW it worked.  No one is talking about what was said but that viral CNN moment.

    You're justifying his authoritarian behavior and his administrations MANUFACTURE AND EDITING OF VIDEO EVIDENCE that they used as justification for stripping his credentials. You're acting like this is just how things are supposed to be. You shouldn't be shrugging at and excusing the white house trying to gin up assault charges against a reporter for just asking a question.

  5. Just now, tjhooker said:

    there was no assault.  that is hyperbole.  Acosta was being a child and unprofessional as was Trump.  It is a big trap for Acosta and he keeps falling for it.  Trump wants these viral moments because he knows it reinforces his narrative with his base.  Thats why I think he went on with over 60 questions for over a hour.  He wants reporters to look unhinged.  The story then becomes about the press conference and not about some of his ridiculous answers to some of the questions.  BTW it worked.  No one is talking about what was said but that viral CNN moment.

    The story is that the white house is attempting to doctor evidence to manufacture false charges against a citizen.

    SHS described assault, posted a doctored video from the press secretary twitter, and used it as justification for rescinding his press pass.

    That is authoritarianism. If you can't see that, you're fucking blind. Acosta isn't supposed to be the "adult" in the room, he's supposed to do his job and ask questions and demand accountability from the government.

    You're making excuses for the same shit every authoritarian despot has done.

    • Like 4
  6. 3 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    That's the other one I left off.  If counter to CR group thought opinion and this is even more common than troll or nazi is you're a dumb motherfucker, moron, idiot or racist.  It is just ridiculous to have any discussion in CR without this happening within a few posts.  Then it all ends with a barrage of negs.  Sometimes you get death wished upon your kids and you too.  It's just a great place to try to have a civil discussion. 

    It comes across IMHO as people frustrated with Trump finally having a method to lash out in their minds.

    Well no, mostly it's the namecalling and trolling is why we call you a troll dumb motherfucker moron idiot. That, and using factually incorrect information (or none at all) as the basis for arguments. 

    You specifically haven't committed that second sin, but it's a favorite of the right-wing crowd around here. It's when people start parroting trump's lies as truth is when it gets ugly. And folks love to parrot trump frequently. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Brisket wanted a fellow surly member to witness and experience his family have their life ebb away described in a horrifyingly graphic and lurid manner. It was the most vile thing I have read here and the community rightfully rebuked him for it

    He sure did, because that poster thought that 11 people losing their lives was something worth joking about and not really that big of a deal. When he reframed it as happening to tjhooker, then it became clear how fucking awful it was.

    We can re-litigate this all you want, but you're willfully ignoring the context in which that comment was made.

    Meanwhile you're daydreaming about actually committing acts of violence and you think it's cool because you prayed to your god in your church? Take a look in the fucking mirror.

  8. 37 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    He absolutely touched her.  She reached up to grab the microphone and he pushed down on her arm to keep her from grabbing the mic.  No, it's nothing that will leave any kind of mark or trauma but to say he never touched her like he has, his network has, and other members of the media have claimed is absolute bullshit.  To say otherwise after seeing the video is a lie, pure and simple.  You can try to justify why he touched her, you can claim it was totally accidental, you can claim that it has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.  You can not claim that the touch never happened.

    You're right, gently bringing his right hand down onto the forearm of the intern who walked up into his space and started trying to literally take the mic out of his hand is a capital offense. Did he touch her? Yes, because she reached out and touched him first. He did not strike her. He did not even use force. He wasn't even rude about it. And this is the hill you choose to die on? Would you rather he have grabbed her by the pussy?

    Also, still waiting on evidence of your antifa claims. Tick tock.

    • Like 3
  9. Just now, Iconoclast Texan said:

    To be fair, my original comment which I apologized for advocated non-lethal means of dispersement. Water cannons and rubber bullets. I think Israel is in the right with the attempts to tear down the fence on the Gaza border and they are shooting people with real bullets. Again, I advocated non-lethal methods. 

    Rubber bullets aren't non-lethal. They're less lethal. And comparing our border with Mexico to the Gaza strip is just a fucking ridiculous false equivalency. 

    And oh that's right, I guess you get forgiveness for things you said in the heat of the moment but you'll keep shitting on brisket. Hypocrisy noted. GOP level +1.

    • Like 5
  10. 1 minute ago, AtticusFinch said:

    I find this claim on its face bs if there is other corroborating information on the form.  I'm happy to be wrong and condemn the act if true but a lot of these claims are made for political purposes.   I've worked for a city.  BS claims are made for political  purposes all the time.  More often than not, they are not legitimate.  


    That specific thing has been happening and there have been verdicts ruled as a result of it. And that's just one aspect of the concerted voter suppression by the georgia secretary of state. Not to mention violations of the 1993 voting rights act where he was purging voters simply for the act of not voting, which is specifically prohibited in the law.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, immortal13 said:

    You heard this where? From whom? 

    I like you as a poster, but this is clearly fabricated bullshit

    you're aware your comrade @Iconoclast Texan has posted on this very board about shooting up the caravan? You're being obtuse if you think conversations like this aren't happening when trump is dehumanizing this group of people and calling them the enemy in a military sense.

  12. Huh, even Fox news is calling bullshit on the "acting AG" appointment.



    "There’s only three ways a person can become acting attorney general," Napolitano said. "One, if you are the deputy attorney general - Rod Rosenstein -- the president signs an executive order and makes you acting."

    "Two is if you are already in the Department of Justice and have a job that requires Senate confirmation and you have received confirmation," Napolitano added. "That is not the case with Matt Whitaker because he’s the chief of staff. That does not require Senate confirmation."

    Whitaker's most recent post was chief of staff to Sessions at the Justice Department.

    "Three is a recess appointment, which is not relevant here because the Senate is not in recess," Napolitano continued.

    "So with deference and respect to what the president’s trying to do -- he has every right to have whoever he wants run the Justice Department -- he has chosen someone who does not qualify under the law to be the acting attorney general," Napolitano added.


  13. EMAWesome coming in hot with the trump authoritarian shilling. Right on schedule. Watch the entire video, tell me that Acosta "laid hands" on the intern. Watch the infowars-edited video that SHS tweeted out. They're trying to paint him as some sort of dangerous reporter who's overstepping his bounds when in reality he's just doing his goddamn job of just asking questions.

    You should love that, you love to just ask questions. The White House and the president don't get to dictate how and when the american people hold them accountable. They work for us, not the other way around.

    EDIT: Haven't heard anything about the carlson thing, please provide a legitimate news source (no breitbart and no fox/WSJ op-eds) for that because you are typically full of shit.

    • Like 2
  14. 40 minutes ago, AtticusFinch said:

    Forms that are not filled out correctly or are missing key information, like your name...get thrown out.  It isnt a conspiracy 

    They're throwing out forms because they don't match exactly. I'm talking the difference of a hypen or leaving out a middle initial.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    No reason the Mueller probe shouldn’t be concluded.  If they have him, take him.  The whole “Hugo, noose tightening” rhetoric needs some hard facts.


    Unless they keep finding more dirt as they dig. Mueller's charter isn't just to investigate trump, but also "any other matter that may arise in the course of the investigation"

  16. Haven't seen this posted yet:



    Last year, Donald Trump Jr. testified that he never informed his father of a meeting with Russian officials promising “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. It seemed hard to believe that the ne’er-do-well son would neglect to seek credit for his expected campaign coup from the father whose approval he so obviously craves. And now it seems that Robert Mueller has obtained proof that it is not in fact true. The Trump family lies all the time, of course, but doing it under oath is a crime.

    Two days ago, Gabriel Sherman reported that White House officials are concerned about Donald Jr. “I’m very worried about Don Jr.,” a former West Wing official told Sherman, who fears Mueller will be able to prove perjury. Deep in a report about Trump’s 2020 campaign plans, Politico drops the news this morning that Trump Jr. “has told friends in recent weeks that he believes he could be indicted.”

    If it’s what you’re saying, we love it.

    The details of the expected indictment remain to be seen. But if Trump Jr. did lie under oath, the obvious question is why. He had a lawyer, who presumably informed him of the dangers of perjury. Why take the risk of perjury to deny having informed his father about a meeting with Russian officials if the contacts produced absolutely nothing?


  17. Just now, immortal13 said:

    Drinking hard tonight? Aggys are the ones that always cry foul when they lose and claim moral victories. Check the mirror, homie


    Net, what changed here for the GOP? They gained some seats in a senate they already had a majority in. They lost the house and their ability to ram through any legislation and stifle any sort of oversight. Beto campaigned on building a check against Trump. He himself may not be that check, but he did the work to create fertile ground for that to happen. If you want to call it a moral victory that Beto only help get out a historically high vote, which directly led to down-ballot house victories, then sure it's a moral victory. But I'm still getting what I want (Trump has accountability now because subpoenas are subpoenas), so call it whatever you want lol.

  18. Just now, immortal13 said:

    You must not have read the last 10 pages of this thread

    Why would I? It's just 10 pages of sack and other fuckboys like yourself jizzing themselves over what was a likely victory in the first place lol. If I wanted sycophancy like that I'd just go to texags.

  19. 5 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

    Take the loss, pussies

    nobody on here is butthurt about Beto losing lol. Sad, sure. But we're all taking the loss, my dude. God, you even gloat like aggy.

  20. 1 minute ago, Johnny Sack said:

    And them going full retard like they did with Kavanaugh will mean Trump wins in 2020

    Well actually, another kavanaugh won't happen because house dems can subpoena records for sitting judges if they suspect foul play, as in the case of kavanaugh. GOP can't sneak shit through anymore

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