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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Katfid54

  1. LOL at thinking that Spearman is near Lubbock. Edit: Leaving this because I'm an idiot and didn't read Harris's article where he says the track meet was in Lubbock.
  2. That has never been an issue for Shaka. We have had several stud assistants come to Texas throughout Shaka's tenure.
  3. How many total transfers did those six guys have? Not sure I can remember all of them, but maybe every single one of them ended up transferring? Chris Daniels - obviously gone Jordan Elliot - transferred Marcel Southal - not sure he even made it through the first summer De'Andre Christmas - Did he graduate before transferring? In any event, he never contributed anything. Gerald Wilbon - Played here and there for a few years before transferring Some other DLish guys from that class: Erick Fowler - OLB - obviously didn't even make it through the year Andrew Fitzgerald - DE - Broke pretty much every bone in his body and (maybe) had drug issues? Only DL guy who actually made it and contributed anything from that class: Malcolm Roach.
  4. Always interesting when a $9.95er goes out of his way to make a kid seem like a dumbass, instead of just editing or modifying the article around mistakes comments for clarity.
  5. I don't believe Wells works like that, now Nahlin and Gerry? Maybe. Srsly? Wells is a huge tease. It's basically his whole schtick. Now, Wells isn't a troll, but Nahlin/Gerry aren't trolls, either. They may be snide or sarcastic, but they're pretty clear when they express their displeasure/disagreement.
  6. Here is what Chunk looks like as an adult: I do not look like this man.
  7. Some districts allowed students to opt out of in-person instruction for the 2020-21 year, but everywhere I'm aware of was open (and has stayed open) since at least October.
  8. Torre Becton is a covert operative for Cal. Convince me otherwise.
  9. It's actually one of those easter egg/errors included to just see if people are still reading.
  10. This picture is a great reminder that the Watchmen HBO series was very good.
  11. Just because George Carlin said it doesn't make the math work.
  12. Who uses the word "average" and means "median"? Fucking weird.
  13. The future of the linebacker is someone that moves like a safety, and he definitely checks that box. Great looking athlete.
  14. Everyone knows that Stanford is too smart for that shit. Too many of their recruits would be struck by the brilliance of Texas cities when compared to the unlivable shitholes that are Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Napa Valley and shit.
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