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Everything posted by EZ$

  1. Sure as hell wouldn’t be posting on this site if I had!!!
  2. Don’t care, got pre-season top 6 ranking. Whoop!
  3. I’m sure they did. When I worked in minor league baseball, we’d power wash the stadium between every home stand.
  4. I agree Mack, let’s wait until we lose to OU, then make the change. Just kidding, I’d go with Casey if it’s even, but Card better stay warm. Usually you go with the younger guy if it’s even, but not in the day of the transfer portal without a decent 3rd team QB. I think Casey will portal the minute he’s not the starter, but not sure on Card.
  5. Speaking of us not being able to develop 5-star talent, what ever happened to Hines and Mack?
  6. Y’all remember when Charlie thought we were so good that we could kickoff both halves?
  7. So am I missing that someone is currently hurt…or is Brockermeyer really going to be out starting MLB???
  8. Stability…we should’ve guaranteed Sark for 10 years and added some “championship” years to our wall. That would show these damn recruits who’s boss!
  9. With the aggy schedule, they won’t have any issues keeping these guys onboard. Even if we are undefeated going into OU, it won’t move the needle as aggy isn’t losing to Hardin Simmons and Howard Payne. Plus, Jimbo has some type of mind control over these guys to keep them from decommiting (ok probably bags).
  10. Don’t look now, but over .500 for first time all year and closing in on the Mets!
  11. But….that’s a 10-2 record for a team with a B12 schedule. That’s 8-4 at best in the SEC, therefore, recruits will go to aggy where they’ll go 10-2 in their SEC schedule.
  12. Nope, just a bunch of aggy sunshine and anti-TU talk.
  13. OU may not blatantly cheat at recruiting, but they certainly don’t give a damn about character with their players/recruits/transfers. This extra talent is what is keeping them ahead of us on the field. Eventually it should blow up in their face, but hasn’t yet.
  14. Who do we contact to flatten recruits tires and make sure all tire shops are closed until Monday?
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