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Everything posted by quigley

  1. Have you also figured out I feel comfortable being the outsider?
  2. Some of you complained I post too much. Now, I'm lazy?
  3. Too much Eng Lit class It's hard to care anymore where he goes. More interested in what he does wherever it is and what SC does. And @Gil Bang , I think, thinks SC's OL will be good next year and I'm more interested in why that is. If SC does have a good OL, it significantly raises their prospects early because Riley's already proven he can take a team that lacks good offensive/defense balance far.
  4. Moving on from Wms talk. Do you think SC's OL is going to be good next year? I saw the Trojans play only a couple of times in 2021 and recall thinking they were bad.
  5. Madison is sort of an idealized version of a college town for me. I've have some great times there too.
  6. RE: Caleb W going to SC and it's relevance to SC's recruiting otherwise. The Wms family was assured by Riley that Riley would be at OU for his 3-4 yrs (the thought was the Riley would go to the NFL). Wms not going to SC at this point could be that SC's roster sucks, or the Wms feel that Riley lied to them. So this is a specific case. Recall, the SC staff (mostly) was able to recruit to Norman. I think they'll be able to recruit to SC when the Trojans have a bag game/NIL program operating. At this point the whole idea of where Wms goes has gotten boring hasn't it?
  7. @Tex Pete I encourage both of you to dig just ONE millimeter deeper on the problem. Yes, nursing salaries are going up. That isn't the problem. Complaining about nurses salaries is problem #1, especially now, when thousands of nurses have died from on the exposure caring while they were caring for people.Early in 2020, in NYC, is a particularly instructive example of why you either pay for nursing or people die. Staff shortages, among other shortages, wrecked NYC hospitals. This is why death rates (case fatality rates) specifically in NYC at that time are higher than at any other point in the pandemic. And your care suffered whether you had the infection or not because there wasn't staffing for other standard services because those services were redirected for care of infected people. Problem #2 is that hospitals in the NE didn't lose money during 2020 and 2021 because Federal funds bailed them out so that's how we all pay for it. Ask your wife's boss. And nursing salaries in the NE cities, relative to cost of living are worse than other parts of the country at baseline. Ask you wife's boss about these staff. And why was it a necessity that hospitals make money specifically in during this time when other industries didn't? Hospital closures have accelerated with with increasing corporate ownership in the space. It's because of thinking about shareholders, not patients. When you're sick you'd gladly pay for someone to care for you. Hopefully there are nurses trained and available to do this. Paying them for their board skills, now in a time when they risk illness and death, is the least we can do.
  8. Is this another form of your humor? Complaining about nurses' salaries during a pandemic? Forest-trees??? Fyi, everyone is paying the bills. Your knowledge of this appears limited, but think about this next time you complain about "someone not knowing what they're talking about" on a topic.
  9. I look at him as an Edge. He's as big as an incoming freshman as Bonitto is now as 3rd or 4th year player.
  10. There are degrees of fanboy's and this guy's among the worst. Other OU fanboys have acknowledged Campbell's going to UT for a month. Campbell and Caleb Williams are going to be at OU in fall 2022 to run the wishbone coached by Switzer. Prove me wrong.
  11. "They're both Isaiah Simmons starter kits. " We ALL agree. That's why I said starter kits. Not every OU fan is saying that OU's 2022 defense is going to be the 85 Bears. That said. The guy who coached Simmons, Travis Lewis, Curtis Loftin, and yes, Teddy Lehman is now back at OU and has clay to mold.
  12. The "reputation" ranking of the USNews rankings comes from administrators, who, in my experience don't care about sports scandals at all. They view the athletics department as a separate arm of the institution. As such, from the examples you listed, UNC would be the only REAL one that may have registered because the integrity of an academic department was compromised. So that may have impacted the the impression of the people who vote on these things for USNews (which is a deeply flawed system, but that's another story). The Duke lacrosse scandal was fabricated, but it took about a year for that to come out. In that time, the story definitely hurt Duke. Duke aspires to an academic class where it's the only Southern school (no Vandy/Emory aren't included) and sports is relatively devalued. Having a scandal involving a preppy sport at the Southern school with race, gender, and violence definitely impacted Duke's reputation. Ironically, of the scandals you mentioned, the one that was fabricated is that I recall ever being mentioned at work with a truly negative attitude behind it. The other stuff has always just been brushed off as "boys-being-boys" to get an advantage playing games. Guess different industries have different water cooler talk.
  13. @Chango Funny thing is that OU's got another guy whose height, weight, and track numbers are almost the same as Kanak's, Jayden Rowe. Kanak played Kansas 5A ball (~ 1000 student enrollment). On defense, he played the "just run to the ball" position. Rowe played CB at the highest level of Oklahoma high school ball (3500 student enrollment). I don't have any information on Rowe's strength numbers, but hopefully the ability to cover will translate as a college S, NB, or LB. After you visit Rowe's 247 page you'll probably be able to guess why Kanak gets more press than Rowe. https://247sports.com/player/jayden-rowe-46112803 Hopefully OU's going to get two guys in the 2022 class who fail as badly as Teddy Lehman.
  14. From OU's "Portal Weekend" 4 "locks" have been tweeted and 4 commits. More likely DB CJ Coldon (Wyoming): 2nd team MWC, FWIW DB Kani Walker (Louisville): Freshman in 2021; 1 tackle. ? recruited by Safeties coach Brandon Hall in high school DL Jeffery Johnson (Tulane) DB Trey Morrison (UNC): 4 yr starter at CB,S,NB at various points; tiny, 5-9; Venables may have known him some from the ACC (Clemson played UNC in 2019) OT Tyler Guyton (TCU): Freshman OT who can reverse dunk a basketball but may not be able to block other large humans QB Chubba Purdy (FSU): Didn't play at FSU, which had tremendous QB issues in 2020 and 2021. Brother made comically poor decisions in high leverage situations. Less likely TE Michael Trigg (USC): At Mississippi right now; mildly productive freshman yr; OU'll have playing time but he may follow Dart to Mississippi. LB Drew Sanders (Bama): Hogs DL Mekhi Wingo (Miz): Already said he's still going to visit SC; visited LSU too. OU still in it. QB Jaxson Dart (USC): At Mississippi right now; makes sense he'd go there Remaining needs WR: 3 (0 taken) OL: done? (2 taken) TE: 1 (1 taken) QB: 1 (1 taken) DL: done? (2 taken) DB: done? (3 taken) Updated: OU adds OL transfer from TCU Tyler Guyton. Athletic OT propect from 2020 class. Light for OT. Will either get stronger and be an OT or be a blocking TE type. OU's taken 8 portal guys (I'm not counting Ted Roof's son-LOL). Remaining needs include more guys to catch passes and probably throw passes. Two more "locks" were tweeted this weekend. Those two locks could be Guyton + Gentry Williams, who reaffirmed his OU commitment, or two new commitments from visitors this weekend or some combination. OU has 75 non-specialist scholarship players heading into 2022 as of right now. Anticipate 3-4 K/P/snappers, 2-4 Feb 2 signees, and that still leaves a couple of slots for Campbell-LOL, Conerly-also LOL, or more portal guys in Feb through May.
  15. Everybody knows he's gone from Norman so OU fans generally are indifferent. However, even current OU players acknowledge that an OU - SC game would be extra-extra spicy.
  16. I mentioned Wisconsin and ND here or on another site as being schools that had good team infrastructure + no competent returning QB + better culture fit for Caleb W. Going by Caleb/Riley delaying Caleb's announcement of his commitment to OU for recruiting purposes, I'd imagine this is all just a strategy to drum up suspense prior to an announcement that he's going to SC. Personally, I'd love to see him go to Wisconsin because it's less likely that current OU players with ties to Caleb will go to Madison than to LA. As an added benefit, if Dart doesn't go back to SC, it would be interesting to see what Riley can do with a truly replacement-level QB.
  17. Have people already been making the the "Wallet" Nolen joke?
  18. There's a stat floating around about this. Going back to the early 2010s, more than 50% of 4- and 5-star QBs transfer at least once. Coaches know this so the value of high school QB recruiting should be adjusted accordingly. Taking a QB from North Texas is good politics for this OU staff, and he may even turn out to be a good player! Build the infrastructure, and a top transfer QB will bail you out if you don't have a QB ready for the next year. OU experienced it this year even with Dillon Gabriel.
  19. I think Billy Napier is a leader on this front. He's figured out that, in addition to money, college football players also enjoy being around young women. The non-football staff employs a large contingent of young, attractive female staffers. Napier gets credit from these new hires for his "inclusion" and "forward thinking." 🙄
  20. I don't know the reference. Please explain.
  21. I think the difference between baseball, a mostly individual skill sport, and football, where individual success is usually tied to team success, is key here. An individuals success in football is usually impossible without contributions from other. Your batting average and fielding percentage are mostly reliant on your on skill. Plus baseball has competitive summer leagues for additional opportunities to display talent. Basketball may be more like baseball too. Harvard had the #80 class in 2020 and #50 class in 2021. Good players know that they can go there and should be able to dominate and get noticed. Plus they can go play in summer leagues and shine. As it turns out Harvard's coach, Tommy Amaker, is historically terrible and squanders massive talent advantages annually. But you see a template for success.
  22. OU ends up producing a quite a bit of D1 talent that ends up sprinkled throughout the B12 footprint. Most of it isn't "top 25 good" however, and it's spread really thin so there may be diminishing returns to hitting Oklahoma hard. OU coaches may have caught on. The Venables staff has said it is going to recruit Okla more and appears to be making a more concerted outreach to at least the big schools.
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