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Everything posted by AnotherUTFan

  1. I use Antique Electronics Supply. Always been solid and prices are reasonable https://www.tubesandmore.com/
  2. Howard Dumble has passed away, taking a lot of amp building secrets with him. If you couldn't afford a Dumble already, doubt you ever will now. https://www.musicradar.com/news/howard-alexander-dumble-death?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_content=musicradar&utm_medium=social
  3. Don't overlook Benmont Tench. It was a triple threat. Any TP fan really needs to read Warren Zanes's Tom Betty biography "Petty", and there is a lot of ink on this story. Tom was pretty upset about a hit that he let get away and was pretty controlling about Mike Campbell's ideas & contributions after that.
  4. Now this is how you humble brag! Good job Foggy.
  5. That's got the single coil Dynasonics that were on pre-58 Filtertron 6120s. I agree that the brand belongs on it, along with the engraved block inlays. That seems like a reasonable price though.
  6. That's odd. Per some Taylor guys I was talking to when I lived in San Diego, their whole reasoning for having bolted on necks is so that you never have to shim the bridge.
  7. Pliny the Younger pushed back to March 25 this year. Will be both on draft and in bottles. https://www.russianriverbrewing.com/pliny-the-younger-release/
  8. Thats tempting. Did you catch how much they were asking?
  9. Thats an interesting custom. It reminds me of Mick Ronson's except for the fingerboard. What is that, Maple?
  10. That was exactly true CHIEF, it was a real life Pottersville. General Tire closing didn't help. That fucked up a lot of families.
  11. I moved to Waco from San Diego when I was 10 and got the hell out as soon as I could. I have a lot of family and people I love there, so I visit 4 or 5 times a year. Its a wierd place for sure, but the locals are genuinely puzzled as to why I'd prefer living in a "big city", especially on, in California like San Francisco, when I could be there. That said, Chip and Joanna, for better or worse, are bringing a shitload of people there both as tourists and new residents. It's a great place to be investing money right now. I wish I would have bought some of those downtown lots a decade ago. Maybe not on the top 10 list, but now they feature a Space X facility that shakes the whole town on the regular. A Top 10 is pretty limiting foe Waco, it should be a Top 25 at least. Crash at Crush should be somewhere on the list. https://wacohistory.org/items/show/70
  12. All you have to to do is click "quote", then cut or copy it, then paste it in another thread or wherever.
  13. I'm a big fan, a lot of us are. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/16423-tom-petty-wildflowers-all-the-rest/&share_tid=16423&share_fid=2053247&share_type=t&link_source=app
  14. I was told it was just gonna go away miraculously. Its like a flu.
  15. Thats a good looking Les Paul. Congrats.
  16. Just learned a friend tested positive today with mild flu-like symptoms. Had her booster last Monday and had COVID last January. This strain is not fucking around.
  17. I saw that just a bit ago. Bummer.
  18. I saw them in Dallas Friday night. Great show.
  19. Although on the West Coast, I learned of the Austin BBQ explosion by following the Franklin thread on TOS. Finally joined a couple posters at Mueller Meat Co and had a great time and with great BBQ, then got in line with a couple other posters at Franklin a year or two later for more of the same. I usually find a new spot to try when I'm in Texas, but those were the only times u visited those two. Reading the recent Top 50, iI feel like I was in on the ground floor. What time do you need to be in line at Franklin these days? I'm looking to likely meet a few posters there again this week, and maybe buyung a whole smoked brisket to share with my friends back in San Francisco like I did last time.
  20. Obligatory https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/HCO2BK--meinl-percussion-headliner-series-steel-mountable-cowbell-8-inch
  21. That was a hell of a week of music. In addition to that line up I caught local funk cover band in North Beach Saturday and some friends dark punk metal thing on Tuesday. 5 shows in 8 nights for my birthday week, plus squeezed an incredible dinner w friends and watched my HS Alma Mater win a State Championship at Jerryworld! Khuangbin was the best thing I saw all week, followed closely by Lettuce. Lettuce 2 Funky Shu's wit Nu Soles Stormfucker Black Pumas Kruangbin
  22. I've got a busy birthday week. Lettuce at the Fillmore tonight Black Pumas at the Masonic Wednesday Khruangbin at the Factory next Friday
  23. I just learned that an old friend and coworker died of COVID this week, he got sick during Thanksgiving i was told. A good dude, though we haven't really kept up since I left. He was several years younger than me. His brother was best friends with Ricky Williams, funny thing to remember. They went to HS together at Patrick Henry in San Diego. Really sad news.
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