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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. RFK Jr secures key Spacey endorsement.
  2. I believe you mean Briskettexan. He gets credit for Might fine's knowledge through the use of "yep."
  3. it's also infuriating. the nation will simply always be within a percent or two of evenly split because the folks behind the scenes know how to target our brains better than coca cola and nike. and the MOE is always bigger than the lead margin. so even if they are right on polling, its still useless.
  4. Vance seems like the best choice for Trump appeal-wise. I don't think anyone else brings anyone to the fold. Maybe Scott gets some black voters who just want to see some representation up there. Vance feels like a play on the young male appeal who are not already totally lost to him. Money and all that other stuff that motivates VP choices, I have no insight on.
  5. National moods move left and right by a percent or two every year. Both of those states were razor close last time.
  6. 13. Challenger charisma: The candidate charismatically kills a school teacher while students across America watch on roll out TVs.
  7. i was just thinking this week that i've not seen lavrov in a while. now twitter says he might be dismissed.
  8. part of the problem is that young people don't have to vote trump. they just have to be less pro-biden. we had a very close election last time with huge young turnout and huge D margin for that turnout. those go down in either way -- even though still favoring biden in and of themselves -- spells trouble.
  9. we spend too much time on this board saying what is right for everyone. i've said it before about the poor/uneducated. it might be true as you say for the yoots writ large. the system totally works for me. what a surprise that i'm very invested in keeping the system going, complete with a tears in my eyes salute for geo wash etc. convinced i'm the only real american here.
  10. waiting until he's too old to do this makes this shit.
  11. I bet cardio decides it. Tyson will still have old man strength and if he can hit him early, it'll be lights out (fingers crossed). If Paul can clench and jump around the ring for a few rounds, there is no way a grandpa can keep doing that forever.
  12. it'd be an unfathomable shift. they were D+24 last time.
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