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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. Nothing credible says Putin is dying, right? That’s just our wishcasting for how this thing can resolve itself in a timely way, si?
  2. Those seem like two cool countries. They should join up.
  3. I feel like this is getting shockingly little attention.
  4. I’m anxious about fighters over there. I think we will see a lot of downed planes and that is going to be a pretty big deal for a lot of reasons.
  5. Actions like this are good for the free world – for the U.S., for Israel, for everyone. Frankly, that is why I think this explosion came from Western countries, not Israel. This is good for Israel, which is why I don’t think it was Israel.
  6. Reminiscent of the female reboot for Ghostbusters marketing plan. Talk about the casting as a wedge issue instead of any entertainment value.
  7. I was really excited to see this. I feel like it’s a harbinger of a big pro West democratic push in Europe.
  8. Constructing an entire episode just to have the kaiju fight in front of the Japanese investors is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
  9. I’ve been wondering if we think we are trying to induce early offensives. Put them in the position where they feel like they have to attack now or it’ll be too late in 6 months when all of NATOs arms are at the front line. Get a replay of their first half-ass unorganized offensive again.
  10. Unless you are digging through my trash, you don’t know how much I pay to trade.
  11. Noice. Just got notice that the rest of the sale executed and then checked the price and it dropped 2.9% immediately. Suckers.
  12. The tab may end up smaller than we think because we have so much seized Russian assets.
  13. Wow. They’ve been whipping ass with B- materiel. Now they’re going to get the A+?
  14. i have my first partial execution of an order. i put in a sale price, it hit it to the penny, sold 2 of 150 shares, and then it dropped. Feels kind of funny to sell 1% of my holdings of something.
  15. Uh. I feel like someone should tell John Conner about this.
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