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gail the snail

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Everything posted by gail the snail

  1. В Советской России окно откроется!
  2. I"ll bite your ear off, IDGAF
  3. also yu darvish is a fucking beast i will fight you
  4. and Missy's been talking about her pussy for years
  5. AIDS. And not that good AIDS like Magic has. The shitty one like icono has
  6. When I was but a niño my tia would take me to watch them mate, the peppers. The smell, how you say, ano de lobo. Some times I look back on those days and I remember the migrant harvesters, young and old, shuffling through dusty streets to the Hatchery, working long hours in the cara del sol, preserving their heritage.
  7. gail the snail


    Great prices, and great service, that's why I liked it
  8. gail the snail


    Y'all remember that Albertson's on pleasant valley, that place was great
  9. Also, the twins are gay. But not for each other, because that's gross
  10. Two men walk into a bar. One of them orders a whiskey sour, the other an old fashioned. Oh yeah, they're twins. So two twins walk into the bar. Two people, not two sets of people. Anyway, one of them orders a whiskey sour and the other a negroni. The bartender makes the drinks, and then has to figure out which twin gets which drink. But the catch is, the bartender can't talk because he has throat cancer from decades of the smooth, easy draw of a Pall Mall cigarette. He's misplaced his throat hum machine, so he can only grunt, and can't ask questions. So how does the bartender figure out which twin gets which drink?
  11. I don't even know what planet I'm on
  12. Honestly, fuck all of you, I hope you all rot in hell. Hail Satan, motherfuckers
  13. I googled that because I thought you were making some obscure Faulkner reference but as it turns out I was sorely disappointed.
  14. I'm sexually active, Mom, get over it
  15. Other countries should not be able to just come here and sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids
  16. We couldn't possibly think less of you
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