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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. Pretty similar to the way any other person with at half a brain refers to him too
  2. Alrighty then. I guess that competition is over....
  3. She filed a complaint about a Colorado DJ for inappropriate behavior at a meet and greet. His station investigated, and IIRC, he was fired. He then sued her for some ridiculous amount, and she counter-sued for $1. Her legal team carried it to the end. His suit failed, she won her suit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift_sexual_assault_trial
  4. Good sir, King John would like a joust with you for your besmirchment of his royal character....
  5. you're an optimist.... sir, they are already boycotting Target due to the in-store decor depicting the non-whites among us.
  6. RNC running out of money. Interesting thread…
  7. You think that's bad. Think of the professional athletes (and it's even more crazy with leagues playing games in Canada). https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/taxes/articles/heres-how-professional-athletes-pay-taxes/
  8. Well, damn, who knew such classy folk were here. A well-done Negroni is three things I really don't care for alone, but are a wonderful harmony when together.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident
  10. Russian T-80 ingests a AFU FPV drone.
  11. Worth noting: not a drag queen. https://abcnews.go.com/US/gaetz-house-ethics-probe-picks-steam-new-witnesses/story?id=106600322
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