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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mwaadeeb

  1. I loved the way he came up like a missile in run support, without hesitation. Reminded me of ET. We may need him if Williams can't go in the first half.
  2. I wonder if Catalon has some kind of beef. He seemed to ball when he was in there, but I wasn't seeing much of his coverage on TV.
  3. I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a good handle.
  4. Duke and Vanderbilt at least sound like they could come up with some NIL
  5. It's absolutely clutch what happened to Sweat this year. Talented but late-round lineman see fame and riches for sticking around and stepping up.
  6. Who was the dumbass arguing all week we wanted Georgia to win?
  7. I hope someone takes their speed and goes through this thread and the 11-1 thread and notes all the incredibly stupid vaginas who kept arguing with total condescension that one loss Bama and one loss Georgia would get in over us because "SEC." Fucking tools.
  8. We'll have all day and the morn to fix the narrative. Didn't look serious to me. Same kind of roll happens all the time. But it was a little weird, so who knows.
  9. He just rolled it a little, looked to me.
  10. He'll have a month to recover.
  11. That was a quick hard throw right there.
  12. Why do they keep saying it's four down territory for OSU? I get we're stomping them, but it's the 1st quarter and up two scores.
  13. Is it me or has Anthony Hill figure shit out faster than any LB since DJ?
  14. You missed Delta Delta Delta can I help ya help ya help ya, and Farrah Fawcett.
  15. https://www.hudl.com/profile/11155361/Carsen-Ryan Pretty strong HS film
  16. Hope so. Unless we clean up in the portal, it’s going to depend on some kids who haven’t played much ball.
  17. Here we go again. Why is this information being posted if not to influence the committee? SOS matters. H2H matters. Common opponents matter. The guidelines matter. Ultimately they may chunk them but it will have to be a close call. I'm too lazy to look up their process but if someone tells me the committee works on a secret ballot or it's all mailed in with no accountability amongst themselves then I'll take it all back and submit myself for board-flagellation.
  18. I agree with that, Jesus. People are arguing that there isn't a consideration at all. There's no obligation. They can and will do what they want.
  19. Yes they are saying that. I agree it's squishy when past obvious by the guidelines.
  20. You've said over and over again that the committee will throw out their guidelines and do whatever they want. Don't lie.
  21. If you think the committee will ignore their own guidelines to do what they want, you're believing in a conspiracy amongst the board to ignore their own guidelines, since they would have to agree. I'm sorry you can't see that, and that you would embarrass yourself by calling the wrong person an idiot. But forget the "conspiracy" angle. The larger point is that you are wrong, you have always been wrong, and you continue to be wrong. If you had ever served the board of a decent sized non-profit, you would know that.
  22. I argued with this response, because it's silly. The guidelines aren't lip service, they're guidelines. The may not be dispositive, but they are relevant. The committee will not just do whatever they want without looking at them. You can talk conspiracies all you want, but the members have an ethical duty (if not a good faith obligation or even a contractual mandate) to follow their own guidelines. Only a fool would stand up in front of their colleagues and just throw them out. Maybe one crooked asshole would be prepared to sacrifice their reputation for it, but not all of them. It's politics, essentially. They will at least make sure it's a toss up or close, based on their guidelines, before their biases come into play.
  23. There you go again, saying nonsense and wrong and all your bullshit.
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